Little Nemo - Day 11


How many shots do you have to take to get a decent pic? I imagine at that zoom factor even a blink or a deep breath would ruin the focus. WOW! Nice job.

tru conch

Active Member
glad to see he is hanging on. a tough fish for sure. thanks for the day to day pics bang, i always enjoy them

bang guy


Originally posted by cliffrouse11bas
How long till his color starts showing?

I think banding should start to show up in another week or two.

bang guy


Originally posted by Scotts
How is the second brood coming along?

I think they should hatch Friday or Saturday. I'll probably have to let them go. I'm traveling to Chicago on business Sunday through Wednesday.

bang guy


Originally posted by Zippy
How many shots do you have to take to get a decent pic? I imagine at that zoom factor even a blink or a deep breath would ruin the focus. WOW! Nice job.

LOL thank you!
I can't really use a tripod so I have to hold the camera. Most of the blurry pictures come because of either my heartbeat or Little Nemo won't hold still.
I usually take 5 or 6 pictures and post the best one.


Active Member

Originally posted by clownfish1452
Sorry have not been able to follow all the posts. Just wondering how many of the fry made it? Nemo is a very cute guy.
Sarah :)

Just Nemo made it. :( Thats why we are like a bunch of doting Aunts and Uncles pulling for the little guy. There was a mishap in the tank and all but Nemo made it. Does this all sound familiar by the way?? :D ;) And Mom and Dad are sitting with another brood. :cool:

Active Member
bang the 2nd pic is very cool and give us a clue to the real size of little nemo i would have never had a clue he was that little.
thanks for all the time and pics you have put in to telling us all about little nemo

bang guy


Originally posted by trigger reid
bang make a post of all the days progress with pictures of it from day one

I plan to do that when I get the time to piece them together.