Little Nemo - I'm Psyched!!!!!

tru conch

Active Member
bang, excellent work! the little dude is getting some great coloration. as always its great to see some pics of lil nemo.

bang guy


Originally posted by trigger reid
what are you going to do with them if some of the other ones from the other egg laying survive cause i heard that more than two clowns could cause death and stress

I'll never have more that 2 in the display tank. Any that I can raise will go to Local Fish Stores. I plan on getting a mate for Little Nemo and let them live in the Lagoon.

bang guy


Originally posted by mnreefman
hey bang... aouta curriosity, would your lagoon be a good place to raise the fry??? or do you put them into another container?

Once the fry are about 1" they should be able to go into the Lagoon. Any smaller and they'll just end up being Banggai food.


I forgot what his first food was. what was it?Bang when you breeded these clowns did they have a host?:notsure:

bang guy


Originally posted by dburr
How old was it when it started to get the white stripes?

There's a picture of him swimming over a quarter from day 21 where a slight white stripe is visible just behind his head.

bang guy


Originally posted by DBGT
I forgot what his first food was. what was it?Bang when you breeded these clowns did they have a host?:notsure:

Rotifers were the first food. The parents use Green Hairy Mushrooms as a host. The Mushrooms are visible in the pictures of them taking care of the eggs before they hatched.

bang guy


Originally posted by Shine~ON
How old is he now?

27 days in the pic. I believe he's a late bloomer. Probably related to nutrition.


sorry bang if I am bothering you but can you tell me how to culture these rotifers?I have heard about it but never tried it before.were can I get them?

bang guy

I got a culture of a few Rotifers from a fellow hobbiest. I fed them Instant Algae and they multiplied into millions really fast. I keep them in a couple of old salt buckets and a main culture in a 32 gallon trash can.