Little Things That Irritate Me


Active Member
-popcorn kernels in my teeth
-when my computer screen mysteriously shuts off in the middle of a really good AIM conversation, forcing me to reboot
-friends coming to my house with really bad colds, sneezing all over everything/everyone and then waking up 2 days later coughing my head off
P.S. ruin THIS thread, and I'll have my people come and not kill you, but guilt trip you horribly in the night, causing you to turn to chocolate and ice-cream for reassurance until you are so fat and miserable that you write a sincere apology to every single person u ever flamed admitting how silly and frivilous and what a waste of all that energy it was, and admit to having to go on a gruelingly difficult diet b/c of all your rediculous irritability.


Here are some of mine…
Grass that grows uncontrollably, even when it doesn’t rain
Candies that melt in your hand, before making it to your mouth
Parrots that are smart enough to realize that you’ve just vacuumed and dusted and therefore throw their food all over the floor
Housemates that can’t find the garbage can or dishwasher


Active Member
I'll try not to ruin this thread

bad teachers
writing latin sentences
having 3 projects due this week (but of course i did them ahead of time like a good student


P.S. ruin THIS thread, and I'll have my people come and kill you in the night.

wooooooooah mimzy that could be takin more than sarcasm , i would edit it just for your safety ....... death threats are very very very very very very very against the law kidding or not .... havent you watched cold case files , or court TV
anyway more things that irritate me
i wont mention politics , cause some people on this board cant handle it and start getting all childish ....... or suggest you didnt serve the military haha
rap (acctually LIL Jon is cool)
r and b
boy bands
The Yankees
Derek Jeeter
A Rod
Gary Sheffield (Kind of sad but i was more than happy when a fan took a cheap shot swing at him , i wish it would ghave fractured his jaw)
People who acctually sit and watch golf on tv
People who cant control there kids when they come over and swim at your house
Parents who believe that only they can put there child on time out....... even when there kids are swimminbg in your pool
People who have kids and cant even take care of themselves
Brat Kids
Police that acctually pull you over for Noise Polution (um excuse me sir do you have a decible tester handy ???????/ NO PROOF BEEEEEEOTCH)
Kids who drive there mommy and daddies lexus or escalade
Kids who dont work for a thing they own
Parents who down right spoil there kids
Nicole Richi




Jessica Simpson
Ashley Simpson
People who hate on Michael Jackson
People who stretch the truth
Oj Simpson
people who get away with murder
Interracial couples (that may cause some drama so for everybodies sake i will not respond to anything said about that)
I think that is about it


Active Member
Hiya Hot! How are ya?
I'm sorry peeps...I've been so CRAZY busy lately I hardly have time to post...please don't think I don't love you anymore...summer is ending and life is picking up speed and it's the Holiday season for me soon and there are so many preparations to do that it's making my head spin!! I'll be better when October's over!!!

And hey Oceanist...I edited my original post - you're totaly right about that, didn't think about it when I's my new one look?


Active Member
Hey Mimzy, doing well thanks. I got the word today that for my 40th Bday my wonderful wife is giving me $400. I am going to get some LS and change out my CC and since I will have the tank empty anyway, might as well move out the stand and place a refugium underneath. Sounds like a good idea to me except I don't know the 1st thing about them. Looking at a 150 gal one w/skimmer on that auction site. Good idea?


I'd like to add to my previous list:
People that don't like/believe/eat/adore/worship pie!

Husbands that switch between football and baseball, and if you're lucky enough, hockey. There are too many fast moving objects for a slowminded individual such as myself to follow.
When your body is exhausted, but your brain is going a million miles a minute.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MolaMola
People that don't like/believe/eat/adore/worship pie!


ummmmmm pie
I'm thinkin' apple these days. HOT w/vanilla ice cream


people that brag about drinking then get put to shame
people that drive the speed limit in the left lane on the high way
people that breathe my air
people that smell
people that make noise when they eat
people that are cheap
people that cant afford to feed their kids but still buy cigarettes
people that suck!


oooooooo mimzy thats harsh , to bad it wouldnt work on me,,,,, im allready fat (well not fat but , lets face it, i likes me cookies) im in the kevin james area , matter of fact people tell me i look like him ....... you could say youll guilt me out of eating chocolate and ice cream ... that would make my life hell ........... but if they came and tried to guilt me into eating chocolate and ice cream , they would have a hard time doing that matter of fact id probably greet them at the door with cookies and chocolate milk , or roasted ---- (rooster!) and hotdog flavored water , you know what ever there thing is???
....anyway good thing the feds didnt catch on to your death threats though , that couldve gotten ugly ... poor little woman in jail , 4-8 years , with such a purty purty mouth , you might find a whole new meaning to the word clam
anyway nice to know that you take good advice serious , and other peoples feelings not so serious , what if my mother was Obese , alsooooooooooo having posted petty irratabilities (as a joke BTW) you sure do take it awefulyl serious for a post that YOU started , ........ sounds to me that somebody just likes to {EDIT FOR LANGUAGE} for the sake of {EDIT FOR LANGUAGE}

Well all that ends well ends ok , so ill end this with a ---- you , and have a nice day


I'm not too sure what to make of that post above this one. So I will have to say that innuendos iritate me because they are confusing :notsure:
I'd like some blackberry pie
But alas, the blackberries won't be growing until April, so I must wait. How iritating! But wait, it will soon be time for pumpkin pie and that is my second favorite, so I might just survive the next couple of months with no difficulty.

darth tang

Active Member
People that can't read.
Global warming
when one of my fish go missing. ( I suspect the new cat)
Processed chicken
pie without ice cream
Teams playing away games in their home stadium
Axl Rose everytime he mentions the release of his new album Chinese Democracy (every year).


Active Member
trashy people (yes this includes you who feels its neccessary to yell at the top of your lungs at your children in public! but i guess since its walmart its ok :mad: )
Geraldo Rivera and DR. Phil
blaming the president for what happened in N.O.
LFS giving completely wrong advice
Reality High School TV (up to but not limited to Laguna Beach, My sweet 16, real world, road rules or for that matter any MTV reality show, come to think of it MTV hasnt put out a decent show since their debut with "video killed the radio star.")
That only black people were affected in N.O.
water left on a sink so your pants are soaked when you touch the basin (guys you know exactly what I am talking about)
people driving 30 in a 45, people driving in your blindspot, food commercials, ok ok Im done for now...