Little Things That Irritate Me

darth tang

Active Member
People that think you are ignorant because you weren't there.
People that assume just because you don't announce military service, you didn't serve, or try to join up, and got denied. All due to having had 3 partial pnuemothoraxes (partiall collapsed lungs for the non doctors) with in a year (one requiring surgery). Thus meaning you aren't allowed to join the military.
People that think you have no right to comment and voice your opinion because the topic doesn't affect you directly or you didn't experience.


Active Member
People who can't state and defend their political opinions (or other) rationally and maturely, with an open mind, without curses, sexual innuendo, or other...irritate me.
You can say "George Bush irritates me" or "Michael More irritates me" or "Bill Clinton irritates me" and allow someone else to do the same but all too often it has fallen into the realm of immaturity, cursing and sexual references. It does nothing for the argument. If you can state or discuss your differences maturely it is fine, and the one who does often wins the point.
I am irritated by people who fail to show some respect to the readers of this board. Please do so, or don't post at all.
I am especially irritated by people who disrespect any branch of the military.


I'm irritated that someone's irritated with Ophiura. I'm also irritated that I've been spelling "Irritated," wrong up until now. I'm irritated that I keep getting a shooting pain in my neck whenever something happens to irritate me.
I'm irritated that I'm almost out of candy on my desk. I'm irritated that soliciters keep coming through our door and giving me free notepads that are taking up an entire drawer of my desk. I'm irritated that the Advil I took isn't doing a darned thing.


Active Member
Im irritated that MolaMola is irritated with the fact that ophiura is irritated. Im irritated with Tension headaches I get from messing around on my computer all day. Im irritated that those same vendors that come in all the time with good food never come around anymore. Im irritated that all i get is a once a year calendar for selling a companies aftermarket products.
But most of all I am irritated with Americans, and how lazy and spoiled rotten we have gotten as a whole. I am irritated with the fact people of this country have the audacity(sp?) to complain about small things that we take for granted on a daily basis! We are the lucky few of this world, who truly enjoy a free and awesome opportunity of living..


Active Member
I'm irritated that carshark stole my line about being irritated that Molamola was irritated. I'm irritated by the overwhelming need to continue to propagate such things like being irritated that someone was irritated by someone else's irritation. I'm irritated that I had to do an intercom test for the building, and people still couldn't hear the intercoms. I'm irritated that there is a hurricane coming and I have stubborn parents - or parents that don't like my home.


Hey Ophiura, please don't have your people call my people about your irritating intercom, as we've got enough intercoms to fix in this doomed city of ours and that's irritating. I'm irritated that I haven't been to art class in two weeks and on the night that I'm all set to go, I get a call that we are having a family meeting about this irritating hurricane. Hopefully my husband can go without me because I will be IRATE if I miss another class.
I'm irritated for the people of New Orleans that evacuated to Houston, and are now facing the prospect of evacuating yet again. Although necessary, I can see why they would be frustrated, irritated, tired, pooped, and miserable.
I'm irritated that I can't figure out how to work my stupid hurricane tracking chart. I find it especially irritating that I feel the need to have a pristine house, just in case part of the family hurricane meeting/evacuation plan includes everyone coming to our house with the nice big resevoir and water shed.
I thought I was in a good mood this morning, and the more I think about it, the more irritated I become.


Active Member
Latest update (not irritating) takes the hurricane south of Galveston some distance. After consulting with my geologist "thinks meteorologist" husband he has assured me a high pressure ridge will push the storm south. Still, though....I'm irritated. What do I do now?


Do you have any candy nearby? Candy helps to reduce overall irritation. Avoid coffee. It turns irritation into frustration and ultimately desperation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Diet coke with lime.
Diets (or dietary intent): irritating
"You put the lime in the Coke you nut...."
Thanks alot ophi! That song irritates the heck out of me and reading your post started it going through my head.


Active Member
But you are to be commended for knowing the words, as I had to explain to my husband several times that it was not "put the lime in the coconut" but "put the lime in the coke you nut." Explaining such things to significant other: irritating.


Active Member
Ok Im offcially irritated with the irritation of others irritated mind sets, replying to a thread irritating as the one about the boy who decides to put sharks in 60 gal tanks...thats irritating...
so now I sit back and ponder, not doing work,further irritating my boss who was yelled at during a meeting with the head honcho discussing his irritation of employee's lack of production, wondering if irritatious is actually a word. so if it were i would use it in a sentence as follows:
"the service worker from ABC intercom company presented an irritatious vibe when trying to explain how the system failed, this truly irritated us."
of course using this line as well may irritate ophiura even more.


Darth tang ive had it with you , your about as irratating as they come , you are still going on with something that happened in a past thread your a simplistic moron , trying edge people on , you need to get a life , if thats all that can satsfy you .your a waste of skin , quit breathing and wating air .... your an emotional f'ing cripple ,,,,,,, give it up ........... do us all a favor ........ oh your poor lungs ....... im blind in one eye , and that did stop me from joining
dont bother responding , i know you will because its your demenor but i wont see it because your blocked you emotional cribble
Gobble a rooster prick


Active Member
Im iraratated that i can't spell iratated...still, im iratated that i didn't use my 1,000 post well, iritated that dr. dum dum and fish sent me 5 jawfish!, iratated that I have to study geology and not biology this year(geology IS SO BORING!!!), that i have to cycle again, that i can't have ananenome (iratated that i can't spell ananenom) iratated because no one knows how to breed jawfish!, iratated that no one posts pics of jawfish, that it is so hot right now!, iratated i have to right this much! :mad:


Originally Posted by Oceanist
dont bother responding , i know you will because its your demenor but i wont see it because your blocked you emotional cribble
If only all of us could be blocked by irritated and profane people, so they won’t see what irritating things we’ve written and feel the need to write much more irritating, perverse, frightening, and downright disgusting responses.
To all of those angry, irritated people that feel like insulting others and making suggestive remarks about chickens and bivalves, please PLEASE PLEASE block me as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MolaMola
If only all of us could be blocked by irritated and profane people, so they won’t see what irritating things we’ve written and feel the need to write much more irritating, perverse, frightening, and downright disgusting responses.
To all of those angry, irritated people that feel like insulting others and making suggestive remarks about chickens and bivalves, please PLEASE PLEASE block me as well.

chickens and bi valves....