Little Things That Irritate Me


Active Member
Im irritated with playing nice... being politically correct is irritating.

even this &*%) banana
is irritating, he is too happy.
Im irritated with people who cant spell anemone! or people who spell poorly to stir the pot...


Active Member
UMMMMMM, did someone say pumpkin pie. LOTS of whipped cream :joy:


reminds me of banana cream............yummy


I recent that reamurk abowt spellf. Gudnis u peplaz eretat meE! :mad:
I'm irritated that I've spent the entire day thinking of things that irritate me and staring at the weather radar and I haven't managed to get any work done...


Active Member
Im irritated with the fact on that I have a non drilled tank(75) I am buying a sweet set up for a 400watt MH with coralview ballast, and spider reflector, and mogul socket for 200 bucks and I cant find just 2 48"T-5 retro kits that can bolt onto my hood so i can have two super blue actinics, and looking desperately for a good way to turn my 29 gal QT into a sump/fuge to get going with better filtration than just my current skimmer and filter.. so I am banging my head irritated that I can not find any good advice anywhere on the net!...


im irratated that this thread is taking up bandwith ..........
im irratated that my post got deleted when i was stating simple facts .........
im irratated with this site being out of stock with everything .................
im flat out f'ing irratated.


Active Member
I had this pie once with blackberries, raspberries, gozberries (is that how you spell it??), and NECTARINES of all things...and it was the best pie I've EVER had....EVER......crust was all crunchy sweetened oatmeal with tons of allspice....ooooooh baby. Pie is good. Pie does not irritate me.

What DOES irritate me tho, is pple trumping up a movie to be AMAAAAAAZING and spectacular with mind-blowing effects and an AWESOME plot, and then finally seeing it for yourself and being really really really dissapointed.
Oh, and Carshark... Girls also suffer from the 'water-on-the-sink-counter' demon. I feel ya, I really do.... 'specially when I'm wearing my new silk skirt to brunch on Sunday with my ENTIRE family at a stuffy hotel


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I'm irritated you got paid to do that.
When you factor in the irritatingly high price of gas (not blaming this on anybody), and my irritatingly low gas mileage(blaming myself), and my extremely irritating hourly pay(blaming my useless degree), I'm actually paying to go to work.


Shucks...Thanks Mimzy
I'm irritated that I complained. I'm also irritated that Rita is waiting till the weekend to come and get us. :scared:


Hmmm... i have a few pet peeves...
1. When people continuously sing the wrong lyrics to a song... i dunno why, but if you don't know it, don't sing
2. Poor grammar
3. ebonics...
4. Poor customer service!!! This is the worst of all. If you can't be polite to people, you shouldn't be in the customer service industry. This includes bad waitors/waitresses/cashiers/managers, and any other person that deals with other people in their line of business...
whew...calm down...
5. when people go 50 in the fast lane on the freeway, get out of my way!!!
6. When you're driving, and you turn on your blinker to get over, and people play that little game where they speed up so you can't get over, and that in turn makes you miss your turn or your exit... that's the rudest thing ever!!!
7. Rudeness... why is it soooo difficult for people to be nice to eachother?
8. Comments like "70% of the death in New Orleans was black"... 70% OF THE POPULATION IN NEW ORLEANS WAS BLACK!!!, i let my dark side out on this one... hope i didn't scare too many of you...


when the cowboys give up a 13 point lead with 3 minutes to go against the redskins , on monday night football the night that emmitt , irvin and aikman goto the ring of honor
:mad: :mad: :mad:
oh well i expect it im a cowboy fan , all the same poop just a different year


Originally Posted by Oceanist
when the cowboys give up a 13 point lead with 3 minutes to go against the redskins , on monday night football the night that emmitt , irvin and aikman goto the ring of honor
:mad: :mad: :mad:
oh well i expect it im a cowboy fan , all the same poop just a different year

At least your not a lions fan!!!!!


Or an OU fan, or a Texans fan.

This hurricane is really REALLY starting to irritate me...and terrify me :scared:


Staff member
Originally Posted by Oceanist
im irratated that this thread is taking up bandwith ..........
im irratated that my post got deleted when i was stating simple facts .........
im irratated with this site being out of stock with everything .................
im flat out f'ing irratated.

Keep it up and it will be more than your posts that get deleted. What the heck....why wait; we all know what is going to happen anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MolaMola
...and terrify me :scared:
Where the heck to do you live? I hope not where Rita wants to come make a house call?
If so, get yourself outta there. AND be safe.
and yes, these hurricanes are really irritating me. I mean really, these are just almost getting ridiculous. It would be nice if they would just stay in the Atlantic and go away.
Not looking forward to the storms named by the greek leters. :help:


We're here in West Houston, praying really really really hard. My good friend Ophiura is in a similar situation. Right now, I'm doing laundry...lots and lots of laundry. I've stopped looking at my fish tank because it makes me
It's funny the things we fixate on when we're stressed out. We're not in the mandatory evacuation area, but the people on the other side of the freeway seem to be. We've never flooded, but the wind is going to be scary. Luckily, we have a very nice windowless hallway that will fit two dog crates, and two bird cages, and two humans...just no fish
Tomorrow, I'm moving all of the furniture (that I hate) that our family has forced on us, in front of the windows that are most likely to break. I have a silk ficus tree that I'm sure will make a good wind break.
Other than that, we are just going to keep praying for everybody, especially those folks that came to Houston from Louisiana and are trying to get out. So, to all my fellow Gulf Coasters, good luck, and there's at least two people in Houston praying for all of you.

PS I'm a tad bit irritated that Rita is taking her time getting here. I'm ready to get it overwith. This is worse than waiting to get your SAT scores in the mail and I remember that being extremely irritating.