Little white flecks..Pods?


Active Member
Ok i recently finished my cycle..WOO HOO! got a small cleanup crew and precula clown and ive noticed a TON of small sand granual sized critters scurrying around. I assume these are some kind of pod. They're everywhere! All aver the glas and floating around. Not so bad that the tank is cloudy with them but theres alot of em. Gotta look close but they're there. Will my 2 emerald crabs and my clown keep them in check. How do i identify them when they're sooo small?
Clown is a juvie. Little guy. Checked the hitchhiker id but cant tell. How do I nkow if im being over run? New to saltwater and this site is The Most Beneficial and helpfulthing I have found. Saltwater junkies are the coolest ever.
Any help is appreciated. I know the pods are mostly good but dont wanna waste any more money on this addiction than necessary. So i can spend more on the cool stuff!


Active Member
I think I'll hitch a ride on the BUMP train!
I just noticed these on my glass as well the other day. I've had my tank for almost 2 years, but never seen these before. (Hopefully I'm describing the same thing as watts).
They are too small to identify, but they have an oval shaped body and you can definitely see them move around slowly. Could we get an id?
Watts, if you don't like them all over your glass, buy a mag-float. These things are one of the greatest SaltWater inventions ever, and no hobbyist should be without one.


Active Member
TY Thomas .I had allredy checked the hitchhiker id but these are sooo. small and there must be at leats 10,000 of em. Maqybe evn 100,000 there everywhere. :scared: Should i do anything> If Iget overun by em what do I do? I nkow if theyre laval then they wont all survive bost gosh theres alot. I do have a lot of hitchikers of different kinds. Youre thread is great!


Active Member
They could be snail eggs we get those all over the place at my job not in my tank but at work like crazy!


Active Member
OK i have not seen any decrease is quantity of these things and no noticable increas in size of them. They are all over my tank and Im really anoied.
Also I thought my percula clown might have a case of Ick but i dont know. It could be these things are getting on him. Seems like their on him and then not.
except theirs one spot that HAS NOT moved on him. What do I do to eliminate these things? is this ICK? I dont knopw what to do.Tried to get a pic but he wont stay still long enough.BTW the spot on him is targer that those floating around and stuck on the glass :help: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!


just a thought are you 100 percent your sure they are critters. if not it could be a precipitation event if your dosing calcium.
how big of a tank do you got. if they are critters and tank and rock supply is enough might want to slowly increase your fish load to keep them in check.


Active Member
Yep you can see them crawling around on the glass and flutering around!AAARRRRG!!!!!
.65 tall and 30 at this time! Thousands of em.


i just set up my tank and posted a question about the same thing. I have a photo of them on a shrimp. Thread is titled : "Is this normal?" I have only had my tank set up for 24 hours. Just starting the cycle, so I can't add my cleanup crew yet.


I know its hard, and many of us don't own microscopes, but the pic doesn't show the bugs, least not that I can see. And I'm sure these may be the same bugs that my Lfs asked me to look at last Friday. But even with the

eye its hard to see what they are.


I am cycling a 20 gal and I have them in my tank too. There all over my piece of shrimp that i am cycling with. I think there are part of the process :notsure: , but i am not worring about them until they get bigger, or cause problems for me.
I got 3 lbs of live sand, and after pooring it into my 20 gal, that when I noticed them.
I am trying to get my ammonia down to 0, seven weeks cycling now.


Active Member
Here are some pics. Anything I can do to maybe filter these out? I know their too small to see but what do i do? I believe I got then from some LR i bought at the same time as the clown.



Active Member
Yes maybe they are kinda long slim shaped but are these the size of a very fine grain of sand? What do I do about them? Is there someting I can get that likes to eat these things? My clown wont, but I havent seen him eat anything. Dont know if hes eating at all. These things are buggin the heck out of him though AAAAARRRRRGGGG!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Samiam4663
I tried to get a photo... hope this helps.
whats that big white thing? i get them randomly and im not sure wat they are...


Originally Posted by nYgel
whats that big white thing? i get them randomly and im not sure wat they are...
A shrimp...
I think they are Copepods. They're good, right?


Active Member
I shut the power filters of and nowater circulation now. I noticed a few thinggs.There seems to be little teenie jellyfish like things in there. Also some of the specs are moving about while others are stationary, suspending motionless and not sinking or rising. :thinking: Also there seems to be somethings that appear to be spiderwebs, look real stringy just like its real cob webby in there. Could this be calcium precipitaion? Maybe thats what Im seeing, pods, some kinda jellyfish thing and precipitation??? :notsure: