little white guys?

bang guy

There are "tiny white pineapples" on the back against the wall. I just can't get a pic of them through all the tube worms growing on the glass. I'll try to scrape an area clean and get a good pic but it will take some time.

bang guy


Originally posted by daisy
what's not finished, the thread or the sand box? :)

LMAO! :p The sandbox isn't quite finished yet. It's been online about a month not but I still have work to do on it.


So that's what these are. I posted this a year ago and was told by someone that they are a species of tunicate, but never could find a tunicate photo that matched.
There's a photo of a Leucilla sponge:
I had to laugh at the reference to Aliens - we were introducing our kids to the original Aliens movie one night, and after it finished I was looking in the sump and discovered these little guys for the first time. It was a memorable experience to say the least.


Active Member
yeah the sponges are a whitish kind of semi-translucent in color and do look like tiny pineapples. they are from the genus Sycon if i can remember correctly. They are a calcareous sponge and are a good sign of good water quality. Lots of other sponges can develop if given the correct conditions. This most often includes dark areas, and sponges with colors of yellow, pink, blue and whit are fairly common. Those little white things that stick on the glass are more than likely foramniferans, tiny one celled organisms that build calcium shells, some in the shape of tiny snail shells, others in red, or pink, mangled little colonies
good luck