Live Rock in QT?


Active Member
In my QT right now I have a filter, a heater, a thermometer, a place for them to hide, and a small piece of LR. Is the LR supposed to be in there? Do I have everything in it that I should. When is it okay to put fish in there (Do I need to do the same tests that need to be done for the display tank?)


Active Member
Your QT tank should have nothing porus. No rocks (live or otherwise), no substrate. These items can absorb medications, and release them at inconvenient times causing really big problems.
If you want to maintain a cycled quarantine tank, you do the same tests to cycle it.

bang guy

A large pice of PVC tubing or something plastic for them to hide in is a good idea. They still need a lot of waterflow to stay healthy.


New Member
It was recommended to me to use a sponge filter in a QT tank.
If you keep a sponge running in the main tank you can take that out and put it in the QT when you need it. That way, you won't have as much worry about a "cycle" in your QT. You throw the sponge away if you end up having to treat with anything...or just for good measure so you don't infect the maintank with anything by putting the sponge back in there.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Emg
It was recommended to me to use a sponge filter in a QT tank.
If you keep a sponge running in the main tank you can take that out and put it in the QT when you need it. That way, you won't have as much worry about a "cycle" in your QT. You throw the sponge away if you end up having to treat with anything...or just for good measure so you don't infect the maintank with anything by putting the sponge back in there.
Outstanding post.