live rock wanted in Michigan


In looking for live rock in michigan I live in the saginaw, bay, midland area. would be willing to drive if the price is right. Also looking for a protine skimmer. If you have some for sale email me.
Cheers, Jesse
I don't have a protein skimmer but I do have about 40 lbs of nice Live rock for sale. What are you looking to pay? I Live near Detroit.


I see that you were looking for $5. To be honest I can get it for abou the same at my lfs. I guess because you live in detroit I would be looking for less then what im sure your willing to sell it for. Only because of the drive.


Greetings oba97
I'm in Midland, don't have any live rock for you but have you considered just using base rock at about 1 dollar a pound and making it live yourself?
Is this tank setup already?


The tank is new, I had my water tested and it showed everything A.O.K. so I added a halfblack angel. I thought about just adding more 'dead rock' and letting nature take its course. Is that what you did. What shop have you found to be the best in the Midland area?


I started my 90 gallon with dead aragonite sand and dead aragonite rock. Saved bundles. I moved everything over from a 55 after it cycled.
I purchased my base rock from that famouse auction site, 50 pounds and it only cost me 53 dollars. I had another 50 or so pounds in the old 55, and have purchase more base rock to add within the last month or so.
Pier 701 is in Midland and about the only SW store here. Kinda pricey.


thanks, I thought 701 seemd pricey as well. So in your opinion just get some dead rock and let it turn live in time?


Yep as long as its caclum carbonate base rock. Whats really to consider?
Live rock around here costs $6.00 per pound.
Base rock is about $1.00 per pound.
Now lets see, you can buy 50 pounds live for $300 bucks
You can buy 50 pounds of baserock for $50 bucks.
That doens't seem like a hard choice for me.
If its a matter of adding some life to the sand or rocks you can always find someone who will be willing to get you a cup of sand with worms and pods. If you already have some live rock then perhaps you already have worms and pods.
It just takes paitients for it to become live with bacteria, not long really, but its another thing for it to become live with coralline algea.



Originally posted by Thomas712
Base rock is about $1.00 per pound.

You say BR is 1.00/lb but if you order that stuff off that auction site it says you get one or two big pieces and the rest are small-med. Doesn't sound like such a good deal to me when you have to spend 55.00-85.00 for 1 or 2 good rocks and a bunch of barely better than rubble?


If your instincts tell you not to do something then don't do it. Here is an example of what I purchased, it worked really well for me.



Originally posted by Thomas712
If your instincts tell you not to do something then don't do it. Here is an example of what I purchased, it worked really well for me.

That was 53.00?


Here is what it looked like when in the tank, just the baserock same as above pic,....I did split the larger rock.


I emailed the guy that sells the stuff and asked him about the 1+ ton pallet and he said it would be hand picked and I can pick out what I want (I guess he'll email me pics or something). Its a lot of money but me and a buddy are thinking about going half/half on it and taking about 200 lbs each and selling the rest.
But I think bigger pieces are worth more than 1.00/lb.


I understand.. The one piece that I had was about the size of a basket ball and I used a drill bit to drill holes around it and then a hammer and chisle to split it in half, it made a really good couple of overhangs for me. When I had cleaner shrimp they made there cleaning station under one of these overhangs. Building it the way I did also kept rock off of the sandbed which for me was what I wanted. I got a couple of pieces as you can see that may have been smaller than my fist, but they can be used too. In fact I used them to transfer xenia or button polyps to and then sold them or traded them to my LFS for store credit.