Live Sand Dollars?


Active Member
It is not a good idea. They need a lot of room, a lot of sand (they burrow at an angle), and potentially special sand for whatever species is available. Some are only found in calcareous sand, others only in silicious. Eventually, they will starve to death, and should not be kept in a tank.

bang guy

I've considered it for me refugium, and then had a reality check. They are really facinating animals, but what's the purpose of keeping a critters that eats you sandbed critters and stays under the sand 100% of the time?


somehow I ended up with one...
one day in the summer I noticed it in the early morning and it slowly burrowed down & around the sand bed in the first few hours. havent seen it since :s
shame... but I hope it's still doing well
Drew :)
btw - it was just under an inch across