Live Sand: to rinse or not to rinse


New Member
I've heard both sides of the story. Please note that this is for a new tank w/o live stock.
Rinse - to remove the organic or dead matter from fouling your water.
Do not rinse - so you don't lose the beneficial organic matter and bacteria from the sand.
What did you do and how did it turn out?

nacl freak

No rinse would be my suggestion, especially if it's a new set up. Your protein skimmer and filters will take care of the rest.
I didn't rinse and mine turned out great. No problems.


Active Member
I wouldn't rinse it, what little bacteria will actually be alive in there would likely wash away, making it worthless.


Active Member
Why buy live then rinse? Makes no sense to me, especially the bag stuff. Throw er in the tank!


Originally Posted by finksmart
I've heard both sides of the story. Please note that this is for a new tank w/o live stock.
Rinse - to remove the organic or dead matter from fouling your water.
Do not rinse - so you don't lose the beneficial organic matter and bacteria from the sand.
What did you do and how did it turn out?
!No rinso el live sando!


Active Member
Originally Posted by finksmart
Out of a bag from CaribSea.
you can rinse some of the dust out of this in saltwater without harm. basically put it in a bucket, stir and poor out the dirty water. This is NOT real live sand. you arent hurting the "live" bacteria (which is all thats live about this sand) if you rinse it in salt water. REAL live sand you definately dont want to rinse.
Originally Posted by m0nk
I wouldn't rinse it, what little bacteria will actually be alive in there would likely wash away, making it worthless.

The mOnk is right, you don't want to rinse it, I'am sure the bag says you can rinse it if you like but I would not bother.


Active Member
Just rinse off the bag before you open it. Then place the unopened bag in the bottom of your tank cut off the top and gradually let the sand flow from the bag to the bottom of your tank. Less sandstorm IMO.

bang guy

Bagged "live" sand is just overpriced wet sand. It doesn't really matter what you do with it.
Put it in your tank and then after the tank has cycled get some real live sand to populate the sand bad and make it live.

bang guy

Originally Posted by metweezer
What is real live sand? Wet beach sand

No, it's sand that contains natural inhabitants - Worms, Crustaceans, Mollusks, etc. The best is freshly harvested from the ocean bottom far offshore.


Active Member
Originally Posted by metweezer
So how does the average joe get his hands on that?
The "live" sand sold on this site is a great example of true live sand. Compare a cupful of it sometime to the bagged stuff sold in stores to see the difference.


Active Member
the "live sand" that you see in bags in stores aren't live anymore. It is just sand that is still a bit wet so they can sell you water too. It doesn't matter if you rinse it or not you probably aren't going to kill anything in it.