Live Sand: to rinse or not to rinse


Active Member
Thanks Bang,
Reading your sig, just what is a plywood tank? Doesn't sound too attractive. I mean do people go to visit your tank and say I can't see any fish. Nice wood though
Where does the plywood come in?
Tks, Steve

bang guy

Originally Posted by metweezer
Thanks Bang,
Reading your sig, just what is a plywood tank? Doesn't sound too attractive. I mean do people go to visit your tank and say I can't see any fish. Nice wood though
Where does the plywood come in?
Tks, Steve
here ya go:


aztec reef

Active Member
buenos dias .
If sand is dry, obviously its not "live"...this type of sand should be rinsed at all times..
If sand is wet and comes in a bag and seats on the lfs shelf. its not "live" either.
The reason why its suppously "live", its due to its various types of beneficial bacteria abundance, which take host in sand grains(aka colonized bacteria) this is an important kick-start to stablish microbial processes, and equillibrium achivement... Also live sand microbes help prevent an inicial nutrient overload. specially in new aquariums, where microbial colonies/processes are scarce..and chemical imbalances at peak point...Nada mas!........ this sands contain No such thing as visible worms, crutaceans,pods, ect.
Such sands can be rinsed (in seawater) with no ill effects or disturbance to the bacterial colonies...The longer the live sand chills in the lfs shelfs the more rinsing (in a gently manner)should be taken into consideration, this is due to the die-off,(just like lr) that u may get during shipping process...Or to get rid of some orthophosphate coatings that sand grains may have...And of course how do we know when/where it was actually collected?
IMO, "real" live sand comes from an stablished/mature sandbed.(seeding) Or straight out of the deep ocean floor, which includes visible organisms to the

eye>>> and directly into your tank. with minimun -none shelf life...
Other than that, its just wet aragonite sand packaged in a organic soup in a fancy bag with tempting advertisements..
The best way of getting live sand is through seeding yours with a few cups of A diversed mature sandbed(from a hobyist that knows what he's doing), or via adding a bunch of lr /lr rubble .(preferably uncured) to any type of sand..dead or "alive"... or seed your dead sand or semi-live sand with a detrrivoir infauna kit..from a respectable sea farm...(after tank has cycled)
Abundance rate of Micro-diversity defines "liveliness" of any sandbed...