live stock


by the way my girlfriend looked at a differnt pic of a flasher wrasse and loved it. so there will be a flasher somewhere in the mix.


Parameter update:
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
Will do a 50% water change with my new RO/DI unit. After I will add small CUC. Need some help still with CUC


hey guys i did a parameter test on sat after adding my CUC.
ammonia 0
nitrite .25
nitrate 5
salinity 1.025
temp. 79-81
i use RO/DI water.
been ghost feeding very little. also i was told that i should blend up some silversides and add to the tank for my hermits so they dont go after my snails. is this true? also i dont know if a snail died or 2 hermits were hungry but i found the hermits digging into one of the shells of my snails... thanks.