Lobed Leather stretching for light?

I ordered a cabbage coral and received a lobed leather by mistake about 4-5 weeks ago. When I received the leather it was probably 5-6" high or so. Obviously it was all closed because of the shipment. The leather is now about 9" and seems to be strectching toward the lights. I cant place it higher in the tank because it is so tall. I tried this once for about a week, and it was basically at the waterline.
Will this shrink back to size under adequate lighting?
Any suggestions?

I have a 20 gallon high aquarium with 2x65w PC lighting. My bulbs are brand new. This coral is pretty big for my aquarium so Ill probably try to find a better home for it soon. just want to figure this thing out.
Here is a pic when I received it, Ill post a pic of its current size in a few hours.


Active Member
yeah, ive heard theyll stretch for light. what kind of lighting is it under? also, ive heard that leathers shrink a lot during shipping, and can expand over a long period of time.


Well-Known Member
make sure you don't have a crab or something irritating it on it's base.
Leather's are deep water corals. Do you have any actinic lights? What is the temperature of your tank? Generally these corals like cold water systems.
I have a 65w actinic bulb and a 65w 10000K, PC. Tank temp is 79-80. I do have a few hermits and a CBS that could iritate it.


Active Member
chop it in half at the stem. Place both part high in the tank. Let them adjust. You and the coral should will be fine. the bottom stem will grow a new head and then you'll have two and can trade one.
it wont release toxins into aquarium? ive never fragged anything nor have i read up on it. would I do this inside the aquarium?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriggerPhish
it wont release toxins into aquarium? ive never fragged anything nor have i read up on it. would I do this inside the aquarium?
I'd pull it out and do it in a bowl full of tank water. Then dump out this water before putting the frags back in. I cut a finger leather not long ago (luckily in a bowl) and a nasty black, cloudy liquid came out of it and went everywhere.
What would you recomend to get it to attach or keep it in place? How long does it take to grow a head back or attach?
Reason I ask how to keep it in place is because I have a Koralia 1 and Maxi jet 1200 that provide lots of flow. I dont want it floating around.
Any other suggestions?
Thanks for all the responses.


Active Member
Get some rubble or a small rock and lightly rubberband the frag to it. I tried superglue on a leather frag, but it just kept coming off with me personally, but that's another option. My leathers seem to just shed their outer layer when they like, thus escaping from the superglue. I have had success with rubberbands.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Get some rubble or a small rock and lightly rubberband the frag to it. I tried superglue on a leather frag, but it just kept coming off with me personally, but that's another option. My leathers seem to just shed their outer layer when they like, thus escaping from the superglue. I have had success with rubberbands.
DO the above mentioned. The glue wont hold it. Yes cut the leatehr out of the tank in a bucket of water. Once the cut is made let it relax, it will shed some snot for a while. Once the snot is done shake it free and place back in the tank.


Active Member
Razor or Scalpel would be best. If you use scissors make sure they are very sharp. You want nice clean edges not tears.


Active Member
Razor blade...Get on with already, where's the pics? Just put some rubber gloves on and cut that succor
I'm ready to see how they look after a day or two.
haha, Im very hesitant. Just want to make sure Im doing it right. Will probably do it on Wednesday night. Ill post pics, I promise.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriggerPhish
haha, Im very hesitant. Just want to make sure Im doing it right. Will probably do it on Wednesday night. Ill post pics, I promise.
We got pics of the surgery yet????