I just got home, and did a water change. Well during the change the lid to my tank slammed close. Nothing broke from what I could tell, all is well.
So I keep on with the water change (everything is off at this point.) I spill some water down the back of my tank. Still, no biggie. Well, I got a used powerhead, and I was positioning it in the tank before I turned everything on and I got it were I wanted it. I turned everything on, and stick my hand into the water to position the powerhead's flow... and bam! I got SHOCKED like a mofo. IT HURT BAD!
So I imediately turn everything off again. Check the new powerhead, take it out, turn the tank back on. Stick my hand in the water. ZAP! Dang. It hurt more the second time. I turned everything off again. i look at my return pump and there are wires exposed!!! I musted have cracked the tubing around the wires when it slammed close! AND They had gotten wet when I was doing the water change. SOOOO, now I need a new return pump. ASAP! Any idea on the brand? gallons per hour? I dont even know were to start!
All my coral, inverts, and fish seem to be doing fine. I hope nothing happens because of this

Right now I have the powerhead in there, to keep the water circulating. Do you think I will be good over the weekend with only this? The closest LFS is 90miles away and I really dont want to have to make the trip, and I am not even sure they have pumps.
Email me sites with reasonable priced return pumps if you know of any.