Why arnt you a fan of lr rubble in the back? waste build up? I broke up about 15 lbs yesterday and stuck it in my back chamber. Im on the look out for some lr rubble to put in the dt behind everything, and I posted a thread on what Im looking for/ need for this setup to be successful.(pod breeding tubes, lr rubble...etc..)
Im not sure Ill be able to find one eating prepared foods, but Im in no rush to get the fish. I am getting my tank set up now so in the future when Im ready to get it, my tank will be somewhat ready too. I want it to look like my sand is blowing around, their will be so many pods.
It would be awesom to find one eating prepared food, and I would jump on that deal if I come across it, but chances are slim to none. I'll just keep my eyes out for a tiny one like I've been planning.
None of this is even happening till after I get my first clam! Which from the look of it is at least a month or two off.

Im dropping all my current money on rent and the mh light. (!!!!) but its worth it, then I need to buy 2 part, and yada yada. too much stuff to list.!
AND, to top it all off, someone on my local forum has alot alot of stuff for sale and Im probably getting a package deal for a yellow open brain, a small orange cap, small zoa colony on tonga lr, a large rock covered in gsp, and a kenya tree on a nice piece of lr for $75. Im so broke.