Thanks, Meowzer, I wouldn't expect any less!!
AquaKnight: A few more questions.
He is currently in a 20g, can't stay in there as I will be getting a Mantis for this tank shortly. I have a 125g reef.
Couple of potential problems here: Coral Beauty(no signs of aggressiveness yet) and a sixline wrasse(so far was only mean to my Mandarin)
Other inhabitants:
yellow tang(about 3 to 4 inches)
3 pajama cardinals
chalk basslet
midas blenny
hi fin goby
lawnmower blenny
Also, are these coral pickers? I haven't found any info saying they are, but supposedly that is why he was brought into my lfs. Don't beleive that was the case, the guy who had him was a total newbie. Yes, an area lfs thought it was a good idea to sell this guy a Cowfish as his FIRST fish ever.