Longhorn Cowfish?


shrimpy brains

Ok! I am just supposed to be babysitting this guy for about a week.
Problem is, I am growing attached and really want to keep him.
So I know they get huge, but how fast do they grow. Currently about
1 inch.
Pics attached so Meowser doesn't yell at me. Lol


shrimpy brains

Well, same fish in Mantis thread. My Mom has my camera so I did this on my blackberry. Not so good.
Sorry about the Z. I knew that. Don't know why I spelled it wrong. Sorry!


Active Member
You should notice a quick growth to 4" or so, then temper off for a while, then after 6" probably pick back up in growth rate.
Of course, diet, water conditions, tank space, lunar phases
, etc, can each have an affect.


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Well, same fish in Mantis thread. My Mom has my camera so I did this on my blackberry. Not so good.
Sorry about the Z. I knew that. Don't know why I spelled it wrong. Sorry!
LOL...I just had to give you a hard time :)

shrimpy brains

Thanks, Meowzer, I wouldn't expect any less!!

AquaKnight: A few more questions.
He is currently in a 20g, can't stay in there as I will be getting a Mantis for this tank shortly. I have a 125g reef.
Couple of potential problems here: Coral Beauty(no signs of aggressiveness yet) and a sixline wrasse(so far was only mean to my Mandarin)
Other inhabitants:
yellow tang(about 3 to 4 inches)
3 pajama cardinals
chalk basslet
midas blenny
hi fin goby
lawnmower blenny
Also, are these coral pickers? I haven't found any info saying they are, but supposedly that is why he was brought into my lfs. Don't beleive that was the case, the guy who had him was a total newbie. Yes, an area lfs thought it was a good idea to sell this guy a Cowfish as his FIRST fish ever.

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by AquaKnight
You should notice a quick growth to 4" or so, then temper off for a while, then after 6" probably pick back up in growth rate.
Of course, diet, water conditions, tank space, lunar phases
, etc, can each have an affect.
I know it differs from fish to fish, but are we talking weeks, months, or years. I am thinking I can't put him in my 125g reef, so how quickly, in your opinion would I have to upgrade tanks??
Also, he looks lonely. Any recommendations for tankmates??


Active Member
I think these are one of the most under-appreciated fish in the hobby. They live a long time and (IME) their growth isn't particularly fast. The one I had prior to relocating grew to about 12", then stopped; I've seen them at about 18". I had him at least 12 years. The one I have now: I bought at about 3" in late 2005---he's about 10" now. They are not known as coral pickers; but are true omnivores. IMO, a varied diet and vitamins will do wonders (true with all fish). A comment on the space issue: because they can release a deadly toxin when stressed, remember that crowded conditions= stress; but They are not very active and that should help. Avoid any fish that harasses it, even extremely active fish at first--I've found them to bde good tankmates with lionfish of appropriate size. It is very easy to get attached to these guys, isn't it? Mine eats from my fingers and is a crowd favorite.

shrimpy brains

Yes, I had one years ago, when I used to listen to my lfs(no longer my lfs
) Only had it about 6 months as I didn't know about floating food and air causing then bouyancy issues. Miss it alot, but did some research and decided not to get another.
Really shouldn't keep this one, but........yeah.......it's real easy to get attached. So, I am trying to decide if I can make it work. I still have my old 90g in the closet. Maybe I should pull it out! I had other intentions for it, but things can change!
Thanks for the input. I'm just trying to make a decision with my head and not my heart.

shrimpy brains

What about the garage??
It was my first SW tank. The center brace(plastic) broke and I upgrded to 125g. Just never got rid of the old one. I had plans to (eventually) fix it and place a divider for 60g and 30g. The 60g side was going to be for scorps. and the 30g for an angler. Now I am thinking it might house the cowfish for several years. At least, I hope. That is why I am wondering how fast they will/can grow.