Look At My Algae Problem


sorry to say this now, but...
You probably should have addressed this problem a long time ago. Good luck.
ps-not trying to be a jerk, just advice for next time.


Active Member
The OP needs about 15 hermit crabs and some snails. For snails he needs about 15 astrea snails or 3 large turbo snails. This is for the 30 gallon tank.


no this is an established tank that's been running for 4 yrs and i bought it from someone who was moving for $155 with everything like a month ago...guess they left me with this problem but hey i got a good deal hahaha


New Member
ok guys I had the same problem but I used this product it was called Algone my tank is clear I cant say the websites here os figure it out
but ti works great and even better when you have a Kole tang. give it two to three weeks and see the differance.


how deep is your sand bed? it should be like 2-3 inches for good bacterial load.
your clean up crew should be about 5x bigger, but they will only fix symptom of the nutrient problem... get deeper sand and skim more heavily IMO...:thinking:


Looks like you didn't floss! (Sorry, but I noticed you were a dental student so I couldn't resist!)



Originally posted by sandys
Looks like you didn't floss! (Sorry, but I noticed you were a dental student so I couldn't resist!)

haha nah it was like that when i bought it...


WHAT WATER ARE YOU USING? you might have got that already sorry im am just skimming this one. will be a good tank when you put a bit into it. update on pics.



Originally posted by dragonfli
WHAT WATER ARE YOU USING? you might have got that already sorry im am just skimming this one. will be a good tank when you put a bit into it. update on pics.

just tap water w/ prime


Active Member
tap water is a big problem, and you probably won't be rid of this algae until you stop using tap water.
you need to get phosphates down to zero. you can use phosphate pads and/or PhosGuard (or similar products), but again, you are probably not going to get phosphates down until you stop using tap water.
when you've stopped using tap water, start picking the stuff out by hand as often as possible. each time you pinch some out, dip your hand (with the algae) into a cup of cold tap water (to keeps any algae from getting back into the aquarium when you put your hand back in).
get as many pencil urchins as you can afford. they are only about $6 each and they will mow through hair algae (and coralline too, unfortunately). fish and inverts generally won't eat hair algae if it is thick and bushy like yours appears to be.
it will probably take a month or two, but I believe this will solve your problem. believe it or not, I had a hair algae problem worse than yours. I did the above, and the problem's almost solved.
I also did all of this......cut feeding down, cut light down, increased water flow. none of this worked, but getting the phosphates down, using RO water, and using Pencil Urchins will help.

who dey

Active Member
how much ya selling the saltwater bud for????:happy:
just kidding
listen to above thread



Originally posted by Pontius
tap water is a big problem, and you probably won't be rid of this algae until you stop using tap water.
you need to get phosphates down to zero. you can use phosphate pads and/or PhosGuard (or similar products), but again, you are probably not going to get phosphates down until you stop using tap water.
when you've stopped using tap water, start picking the stuff out by hand as often as possible. each time you pinch some out, dip your hand (with the algae) into a cup of cold tap water (to keeps any algae from getting back into the aquarium when you put your hand back in).
get as many pencil urchins as you can afford. they are only about $6 each and they will mow through hair algae (and coralline too, unfortunately). fish and inverts generally won't eat hair algae if it is thick and bushy like yours appears to be.
it will probably take a month or two, but I believe this will solve your problem. believe it or not, I had a hair algae problem worse than yours. I did the above, and the problem's almost solved.
I also did all of this......cut feeding down, cut light down, increased water flow. none of this worked, but getting the phosphates down, using RO water, and using Pencil Urchins will help.

what about the algae bubbles....


You said the tank was 4 years old. I know you bought it from someone else, but how old are the lights? If he didn't replace the light bulbs, they could also be contributing to the problem.

bill f

Where is it located? Is there direct sunlight? How long do you run your lights?
Also, the ALLGONE may work but it won't solve the problem (the cause).


i was wondering your lighting time myself, and temperature?? also include the surrounding air temp (avg) i am concerned that you may be in a hot climate with the tank next to a window with full sun??? and if so do you run your lights at night, what is the TOTAL time that the tank receives light?