Look At My Algae Problem


Active Member
If Bang Guy ever writes a book I'll buy 3 of them: One for my home, office and car!
Seriously, there are a few posters on this board that are crucial to my future success.
Now as for the algae problem: scrubbing works, but only if you have figured out what caused the problem to begin with and dealt with it affectively.



Originally posted by TeresaQ
buy a Hang on back filter, and put your phos-ban in both sides. (make sure its in a bag, and leave it itn the bag) I also add fiber fill to my hob filter to help filter out water, and also run carbon in the hob. Dont use sos pads, they have soap in them. use a stiff new brush. good luck

I have a CPR Hang-on Bakpak 2 Protein Skimmer...where would I place the phos-ban in there?


Teresa is talking about HOB trickle filters like you see with most fresh water tanks. I don't know the CPR specifically, but most skimmers don't have a place to put filter media.
Oh yea, not only would I not use SOS because of the soap, but I'd rather use a plastic "steel wool" rather than metal.


I put in some Phos-Buster to eliminate the phosphate in the tank, now the algae hair is looking mucus-y and pale. Is this a good sign?

who dey

Active Member
hey zino! me again
i'm betting you will do whatever it takes to solve this problem. if i were you i would go to the lfs and buy a penguin biowheel 330 for 45 bucks or a smaller one if you don't want to spend the money. the 330 has 2 media baskets where you can load in the phosban. it will take a little while but do it. and don't forget your water changes with ro/di every week - least 10% a week minimum. you need to get that tap outtathere.

who dey

Active Member
one other thing! i didn't notice any corals in there. you should turn your lights off for 2 days. then run them for 9 hrs then off for 24hr. on for 9 off for 24. do this for a week in combo with whatever else i told you during this thread. Only if you don't have any corals or anemonies. your fish don't need light to survive, but your algae does!!:joy:



Originally posted by WHO DEY
hey zino! me again
i'm betting you will do whatever it takes to solve this problem. if i were you i would go to the lfs and buy a penguin biowheel 330 for 45 bucks or a smaller one if you don't want to spend the money. the 330 has 2 media baskets where you can load in the phosban. it will take a little while but do it. and don't forget your water changes with ro/di every week - least 10% a week minimum. you need to get that tap outtathere.

I do my water changes with RO but do I use salt water also? I put the saltwater in a bucket and use RO to balance the salinity/SG. Is that right? Is there anywhere I can put phosban in a protein skimmer?

who dey

Active Member
K, your confusing me. your changes should be done this way. fill a 5 gallon bucket up with fresh ro/di or ro anything but tap crap. buy a bag or bucket of salt, i suggest reef crystals. read the package and make sure it's phosphate free. add your salt to your freshwater 1/2cup / gallon until you reach 1.025 specific gravity. you should always have a small powerhead in your bucket for good circulation and mixing of salt. let mix for 24 hours then do your change. i don't think you can add phosban to your skimmer. your goonna need to spend some money to solve this problem.

who dey

Active Member
probably better. did you take all the rocks out and scrub. can't remember if i told you my recommended light cycle. on for 9hrs off for 24 hrs on for 9 hrs on for 24. for a week and check results. only if no corals or anemonies. Water changes very important. your doing them right?

who dey

Active Member
saw some bubbble algae in there, make sure not to burst them in your tank it will spread and we will be back to where you started


pale algae is GOOD.
this is the result of nitrate starvation. have you ever had a lawn that goes sort of thin and pale? then you fertilize it and it turns bright green and has a growth spurt. this is the same concept. the algae need more nitrates or phosphates (i dont know how to tell phosphate deficiency from nitrate deficiency in algae) than they're getting in the water. now is the time to really try to pull it out by hand, before it starts to decompose and re-release the nitrogen back into the water.:jumping: