Lookin To Add Some Corals, What Can I Have With My Lighting?


I would like to add some corals to my tank to add some color fill and cover the rock and make it more reef like.
All my water levels are acceptable for corals and I realize I would have to feed them but I was wondering about lighting.
Right now I have 1 54w 6500k, 1 54w 10,000k, and 3 54w Actinic on it. Is super expensive lighting MH lighting really required to have softies, SPS, LPS, and zoo's?


Well-Known Member

MH lighting is no longer super expensive...under $500.00 now. I'm afraid you need high lighting for SPS, LPS and most softies...I'm not sure about the zoa.
You could look into non-photosynthetic corals they are really colorful and don't require anything more than regular fish lights.


What size tank?
you could get T5HO lights.....a good set will support all you mentioned....I have sps, lps, and softies in my 29G under a 4bulb T5HO set
OHHH and A Derasa Clam too


Yes I forgot to mention they were T5 HO, all with coralife bulbs. Right now I have a 90g but in a few months it will be a 180g


I think alot of people don't realize how strong T-5's are now. you get the individual reflectors and you can grow just about anything with the correct light for your tank.
i have a 6 light T-5HO nova extreme pro over my 120g (was on my 90g) and I've succesfully burned a monti cap and a digitata because I was told I would need them as high in my tank as possible. Not the case. my birdsnest, staghorn and acro sit mid tank, everything else is lower than that to keep from burning.
Somehow my xenia is almost touching the surface in some areas and on the floor in others and it all looks the same. nifty coral that one.


Originally Posted by rastaangel
So I have enough lighting? Or to much? Would 1 less actinic be better? Any other suggestions would help
You should change your bulbs....Current are EH bulbs....there are much better and ones with more PAR.....
I think Wango or Nikesb would be better to make suggestions for you on that....


Active Member
+1 on swapping out the bulbs. You will not find a brand with better output than ATI. In my five-bulb fixture (on a 55gal) I'm running (3) ATI Blue Plus, (1) ATI Procolor, and (1) UVL Actinic White.
Since it is a 90gal tank (which is kinda on the deep side), with only five bulbs you would have to be more considerate with where you place more light-demanding corals. Still, I think most SPS would be fine in the upper-third to half of the tank, and some of the lower-light demanding LPS and softies lower. If you had eight bulbs then you could put stuff wherever you wanted.


Originally Posted by rastaangel
I have never heard of ATI. Where can I find these bulbs if you say there better then the coralifes I have?
we're not supposed to put other web sites, but if you type ati bulbs in a google search.....go to the 4th one down...the geeky one LOL


Active Member
To answer your question that you originally posted...you can get a bunch of types of coral with this setup. If you haven't done coral before it may be wise to start with the simple, beginner coral to get used to that side of the hobby.
Good starters: Star polyps, Xenia, Kenya trees, Mushrooms, etc. Those are usually somewhat cheap too so it won't be so scary to try them out.


I have been lookin around for the ATI bulbs and found a few that sell them but none that will ship to my area of canada...
The supplier I usual deal with can get these brands:
Which is the best bulb of those to run?