Looking for a 120 tall glass drilled tank in Florida Pasco County


Hello there looking for an all glass 120 tall drilled used tank or maybe even an 90 drilled, please let me know if any of you guys or gals have one for sale in the Pasco County FL area, also looking for MH setups. Thanks everyone!!!


im building a custon 195g tank with stand, its measurements are 67long by 28wide by 24 tall. Its made of plate glass so i can drill to what specifics you want or bump ya to great instructions on how to do it. the stand is made of red oak solid and 3/4" red oak plywood. It has removable doors with pine trim. I do this for fun, and am near the panama city area. if your interested let me know.


what are the exact dimensions
120 mm tall thats 4' feet


you just want the bottom drilled to go to sump or back also for closed loop


HMMMMMM ya got me there!!!! um just the bottom for the sump,,,do you mean the back for the water returning from the sump???


it depends on what you want. lets start with what a closed loop system is. its a system that moves water to a pump and pumps it back in, there is no filtration, its just a method that removes powerheads in the tank. to get proper refugeum and skimmer results you dont want you gph return rate too high and that therefore limits the flow of water into the tank. if you want to do a closed loop which id advise you to research more about the back of the tank would need to be plate as well as the bottom. If youd like me to hide all this plumbing id need to add overflows. there are a number of ways to do these. if you add the overflows, bulkheads, and holes for the back its called a reef ready tank. Id charge you materials plus 20% for labor and will test it at my place, problem is i dont know your flooring, dont know how level your stand is or how square it is.


K, welp the next tank i was going to buy was going to be a RR tank, as far as stand, I will build that myself, Ive built ones b4 the most recent was for a 125 I usta have. Trust me itll be square, I build things for a living just not tanks, I do Gen Contracting and home improvements. Yeah get me a price for a 120 tall tank RR,,,where are ya located at though?? Ya profile thingy says "AL" i think i remember......... ***)


im in lower alabama. but near panama, it like an hour drive for me. i dont know exactly where your at because im in the military and just moved here to fly helicopters. but ya ill call my glass shop, get an estimate and get back to you. you got my email shoot me you number in an email and well talk more, if you got extra time to build stands and i got extra time to build tanks we could be onto something here, just a thought though.


True True!!! Yeah I got all the tools
etc. for that. I also built the canopy for it also, came out pretty damn good, I crowned it with crown moulding and everything, I just wish the cd I had it on didnt get ruined by scratching it to heck, ill try to find a pic of it in this computer.


im going to start working on the plans, you going to want to do the bulkheads or you gonna want me to do them, you want the closed loop or you going to add power heads. if you add the closed loop the tank would be structuraly weaker because the back would go from tempered to plate glass but your going to be using 3/8" which will can handle 200gallon tanks so youd be fine as long as you kid doesnt throw a baseball at the back of it. you got a refugeem allready and if so how big is it. i just built a 195 with all plate glass for $370 but it wasnt reef ready.


Ill add power heads in there, bascially I want a RR tank with just the bottom drilled and that overflow thingy inside the tank, just like if ya went to a LFS and said I want a 120 drilled reef tank. I think i know what your talking about when you say bulkheads, and if im correct then I would like it if you can do that for me. Ya dont have to do the closed loop thing, id rather keep the back glass in one piece, cause ya never know when/if the lil one might throw something at it!!!! boy would he be in BIG BIG trouble!!!!! LOL


good deal then, yah the bulkheads are a plumbing piece the allow pvc in and out while keeping the water in. they arent too expensive but arent too cheap and they are important. so how about the refugeee/sump, you allready got one because thats the whole purpose of drilling and the overflows. will you want the back clear, blue, black. we have options with teh back.


Ill do the backing myself, i always do a fade job in the back, like a light blue fading to dark blue at the bottom. No I dont have a sump/refugee yet but am planning on getting that when I get a tank


do you want me to build it or are you going to buy it, i think you can get a 55 at walmart but do you know what baffles are. have you done much research on a sump/refugee they are a little tricky but not to bad.