Looking for a thread that lists fish.


I am almost ready to find another addition to my 29 biocube and I'm trying to find a list/thread of fish species that are good for nano tanks.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'd like to read up on fish compatibility, requirements, etc...all for small tanks.
I currently only have one Mocha Clownfish


Active Member
I think that this site used to have a whole "nano" section of livestock which was nice..but I don't see it anymore..
Anyways..a lot of gobies are available for that size tank, a mate for your clown, some blennies too.


If you go to the main store page....top left under search...the drop down in browse by requirements gives you a lot of tank size options.....


Awesome, thanks. That's exactly what I was looking for...something with a good selection and pictures :)
On a side note...I've seen some people keep small angels in a nano. I would love to keep either a flame/coral beauty/lemonpeel angel. Would that be a possibility with a mature 29 gallon and weekly water changes?
I say mature, because if I do keep an angel, I wouldn't want to add it till my tank is at least a year old and has gone through the ups and downs of a new tank.
Just looking for opinions. Thanks.