Looking for Lighting feedback

bang guy

OK... looks like I've settled on a set of 3 mini-HQI pendants running Hamilton 14,000K DE bulbs.
Thanks for all the help out there!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Congrats on the new lights Bang! I look forward to seeing pics of the Hamilton 14,000K DE bulb, as the 14,000K SE bulb is my favorite looking SE bulb.


the megachrome is a new bulb by Giesemann. It has become quite popular among DE users. It burns at about 13k. They did a very good job of keeping intensity at that kelvin rating. it is deffinatly worth looking into.


glad to see you're gonna be running 250 de's bang... i just received my bluewave ballast and RO III+ pendants today and will be getting my hamilton 14's soon.. i'll be posting pics to give you an idea of light output and color ... i can't wait :happy:


Unsure of all posts prior and I may be repeating...
At anyrate I just toped mine and it's a 125. I done the new canopy with 3 250 MH 10Kgermans and 4 48" vho's 2actnic 2 white. I will take a picture in the morning when all the lights are on but dont laugh to hard. The lighting you will respect but I am currently under major reconstruction of rock and tank looks bad. Rock has just been set in to "recure" and letting tank adjust. I plan to to major rearrangement this weekend and then putall the corals back in mid week to next weekend if tank settles back out nice. Only thing I can say is wow to the power bill. I have 125 with 4 constant power heads, 3 timed power heads, 1200 gph pump, Rio 1700 on skimmer, 4X48" VHO 3X 250 MH. I am guessing that the fish tank alone s 65-70 a month minimal. I know the MH jumped my power bill about 15-20 a month. I didn't and haven't tried to estimate the poweer of the fans to get the heat out of the canopy. They where a must once the canopy and MH lamps went on, but havent considered them into balance yet I would roughly say 75 bucks a month.


Active Member
I know that no question is stupid and all, but I feel like an idiot asking: What does DE stand for?
*Bangs head on desk
Thanks Kip, I really should have known that!


i just got my lights so i like them. i'm running 3 250 watt reef optics de pendents with 1 ab 10k and 2 xm 10k on blue wave ballasts for mh. for actinic i run 2 6 foot uri super actinics on an ice cap 660. and 11 470nm blue leds for moon lights. my only gripe is the tank looks really pink floydish with just the actinics. the xm bulb are really nice looking 10k bulbs.


Active Member
Thanks for doing all the research bang . . . I am in the same boat and this thread saved me a lot of work! Thanks . . . :D