Looking for the perfect fish.........???


55 gallon aquarium, 2 bio wheel 330, protein skimmer (when I can find a way to fit it)
I am looking for the "perfect" final fish (or two) to add to the tank....
Currently I have the following:
- Sepae clown
- Bi Color Blenny
- Coral Beauty
- Assorted mushrooms
- 2 Ricordea
- Xenia (2 different types)
- button polyps
- assorted hermits
- 2 emerald crabs
- 2 brittle stars
- assorted snails
- 5 feather dusters
- 2 condi anemone
I had two clown fish, the Sepae and a Maroon, but the Sepae was beating the Maroon up.....so I had to remove it.


Active Member
he already has a dward angel, you cant mix them or else they will fight.
royal gamma or a watchmen goby are some neat looking fish


I just got a flashlight fish and love it. He has white spots under his eyes that glow at night and he can open and close them. He is peaceful, reef compatible and fun to watch.


Active Member
A pair of blue-spotted jawfish, or just plain 'ole yellowheads. I have a yellow 'coris' wrasse that I really love. Out all the time, and eats anything in the tank. Have had no problems with it an inverts yet either (knock on wood.) Bo