For $130 you can get a 12g aquapod and it has better lighting than all other 12g's including all the biocubes. It gives off 4.25 watts per gallon. It is compact fluorescent too!
LPS is where its at, at least for me anyway. I think you are good to go either way. Only reason I chose the biocube over the aquapod was for the 2 extra gallons
Originally Posted by subielover http:///forum/post/2778848
LPS is where its at, at least for me anyway. I think you are good to go either way. Only reason I chose the biocube over the aquapod was for the 2 extra gallons
HaHa, but you can get a 24g aquapod for $15 cheaper and it has better lighting. And I have never heard from anyone that actually has an aquapod, complain about it. Its all a matter of prefferance (spelling).