losing a Yellow Tang


New Member
All of my levels are fine th nitrates amonia and salt water levels ar perfect according to the book. I have comr in toaday and found I have lost a Yellow tang. It started looking pale yesterday but I thought because we put in some more rock about two or three days ago it was just getting used to it. does anyone have any suggestions? My clarkii clown and Dams crabs and sand sifters are doing fine. It looks like something ate at the fins of the fish but I cant tell for sure. Please help. Still learning.

bang guy

Did you notice an Ammonia spike immediately after adding the rock?
Is your tank large enough to house a Yellow Tang?
How long have you had the Tang.
The chewed fins are probably from scavengers after the death.


New Member
everything was properly cured and put in, the store that I got things from said I need a ultra violet light for some of the bacteria that maybe in the tank. I have a few coral in the tank and have the pump that is for the coral. It didnt affect the clown fish or Dams. Does this seem right that I may need another light I already have one light for the coral?


Active Member

Originally posted by bigcoach
everything was properly cured and put in, the store that I got things from said I need a ultra violet light for some of the bacteria that maybe in the tank. I have a few coral in the tank and have the pump that is for the coral. It didnt affect the clown fish or Dams. Does this seem right that I may need another light I already have one light for the coral?

the light they are referring to is called a UV Sterelizer.
It's a sealed unit that does not emit light. Water is pumped through it. As water passes by it, the bacteria and parasytes are killed.
It's not a necessaity to have, it's good to have one, but not required. The light you have, if it's a nice one is required to keep corals.
Clowns and Damsels are tougher than Tangs. Which is why water chemistry changes could occur and they wouldn't be bothered.
It's like the difference of a wrestler getting tossed off the top ropes or an elderly person.