Lowering High Nitrates


Active Member
Well the simplest way to fix it is to reduce your bio load... (get rid of some fish).
What kind of water do you use? Do you clean your prefilters from the sludge that builds up in them? Do you clean your substrate or just let it build up sludge? Do you have any sludge on your bioballs (if you have them)? You didn't mention any cleanup crew. Do you have any snails and crabs that will break down your waste for you?


Get some Chaeto, I had high nitrates (40+) and within a week or two of putting a ball of chaeto (purchased on here for $15) in my tank they were down to almost zero. If you don't have a fuge there are some posts on here about keeping it in your display tank.


Active Member
i hv seen people on this forum use soap holding to keep their cheato inside their tank. cheato does a great job of absorbing excess nutrients.


hey guys,
I use rodi water zero trates trites amonia going in
so im not getting it from an outside ource. Ph of 7.5
before i add Tropic Marin salt
as far as a claen up crew I have 2 mex turbo about 1.5 inches 10 red and blue leg hermits, 1 conch
5 nass snails 1 large sea cuke about 4 inches
1 large softball size ball of cheato in refugium
8 mangrove plants.
and no bio balls just natural system yes i do have pre filter sponge i clean
and do vac top layer of sand a litte when doing water changes
other than that ??????

bang guy

The Nitrates are originating from an external source, fish food.
The end product of the nitrogen cycle fish food - fish - ammonia - nitrite - nitrate
will stay in the system until it is removed.
If you grow a lot of algae and remove
it then you have exported Nitrate form your system.
Deep sand beds and good live rock can convert nitrate to nitrogen gas which will bubble out and effectively remove nitrate. Vacuuming the top of the sand will degrade live sands ability to remove nitrate.


So In Other Words Bang,
Dont Siphon Sand At All And Watch Foods
Going Into Tank. Good Point Do You Rinse
Frozen Foods Before Putting Them In Tank ??
Thanks Bob

bang guy

Originally Posted by floridabob
So In Other Words Bang,
Dont Siphon Sand At All And Watch Foods
Going Into Tank. Good Point Do You Rinse
Frozen Foods Before Putting Them In Tank ??
Thanks Bob
Yes, rinse in FRESH water.