

Active Member
Wanting to know if there are any LPS that one could recommend for my 3 gal pico??
I love the pink plate coral Fungia sp
PC lighting 18 watts total over 3 gal

bang guy

I think a CandyCane could handle the low flow as well as the fluctuating water parameters common to tanks that size.


Active Member
Hello there, I am so glad that you replied. I wanted to ask you about Blaso Wellsi and Acan Lordhowensis both of these are frags and being a single polyp. Would either of these do okay?
Which of these two is the most colorful??
These were recommended to me so thought i would ask

bang guy

I would recommend getting more than just my opinion on those two because my experience is limited.
The Blasto is a deeper water coral. I translate that into "stable seawater" environment. I would pass on that one.
The Acanthastrea is a coral found in every part of the reef from lagoon to forereef, deep water to mid depth. For this reason I would consider them more adaptable and a possible candidate.