

Active Member
What can you tell me about these. I was going to look into getting one for my extra large pain in the butt clarkii.


Active Member
The Long Tentacle Anemone is also referred to as the Corkscrew Anemone, Sand Anemone, Red Base Anemone, and Long Tentacle Red Base Anemone. It has a similar appearance to Heteractis crispa, which has more tentacles and a tougher column. Its oral disc is usually visible and can grow up to 20" in diameter. Its tentacles are spaced further apart than other similar anemones. It is found in various forms and color patterns, but its base is usually orange to red. It is a host to clownfish, usually Amphiprion perideraion and A. clarki.
The Long Tentacle Anemone requires an aquarium with a 4 inches of sand or rubble substrate in which it can hide.
The diet should include small pieces of fish or mussel, crustaceans, and frozen foods.
Care Level: Moderate
Light: Moderate
Water Flow: Medium
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Color Form: Brown, Gray, Purple
Dominance: Aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Ideal Supplements: Iodine, Trace Elements
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Family: Actiniidae
(from ***********.com) <--- to give credit where due.


Active Member
While I don't personally own an LTA, I have talked to a lot of people who do have them. They will move around. They (as with all anemone's) need excellent lighting and need meaty foods such as squid. If you have the substrate, and the lighting, and your tank is well established, it should be fine.
I have a BTA, and I would recommend that as they are probably the hardiest of anemone's. Clarkii's are compatible with both, but a word of caution...
There is no guarantee that your fish will even take to it. Some tank raised fish have no interest in anemone's.
As to cost, not really sure.


Active Member
I had one of those cheap pink tip anemone and he loved it. When I was on vacation, it had an issue. So I am thinking about another to keep him off the colt. How about a seabae anemone are they easy?


Active Member
I would do a search on anemone care. There are compatibility charts, etc...that are available.
From the same site:
As its name implies, the Sebae Anemone is a delicate anemone, and easily damaged. It can be difficult to acclimate, so its care should only be attempted by the most experienced aquarists. It prefers to have a sandy substrate allowing its base to be hidden from sight. It should not be placed on a rock. It requires strong lighting, moderate water flow, porous live rock, and a variety of sandy and rocky locations from which it can choose to live. The addition of a Clownfish such as the Clarki Clown,Amphiprion clarki, can help it acclimate to the tank and ensure its general well being. It is a moderately difficult anemone to care for, but once acclimated, it can be very hardy.
It requires a diet of fish, worms, clams, shrimp, and other meaty foods once a week.
Care Level: Difficult
Light: High
Water Flow: Medium
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Color Form: Brown, Cream, Gray, Green, Pinkish Purple
Dominance: Aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Ideal Supplements: Iodine, Trace Elements
Origin: Hawaii, Indo-Pacific
Family: Stichodactylidae


Active Member
Thanks, I am going to keep looking. The one I saw today was cool but the foot looked kind of bleached out. It is supposed to be bright red or pink right?


Active Member
:) Here is my LTA, it looks a little light in the pic, but its in perfect health and is really quite dark,


Active Member
Wow the yellow looks cool. I might have to look in to one of those I just said today I need to add some yellow to my tank.
Next question I have a 125 with 4-PC lights do you think that would be enough light? I also have a 125 with 550 VHO watts which the pain in the butt is in now, but I am trying to get him out of the tank and put him in the other. It is going to be fish only and has 1 fish right now.


I had a couple of LTA's and they were absolutely beautiful! I did have problems with them and had to get rid of them though. They moved around so much and ended up getting caught in the power head a few times. My fish didn't take to them and I actually lost 2 clowns due to anenome stings.


Active Member
Well, Im running 560 watts VHO, and my anemones are doing well
I think that good water is the key and not to over feed them, I now have 4 anemones in my tank a green carpet, LTA, yellow sabae,and a purple tip Sabae, My tank raised perc Clowns now take to the yellow sabae and the purple tip sabae, but not the carpet or LTA, :confused: Oh well I like them all;)


Active Member
did you order yours from SWF? I am trying to decide if I should order one from them or not. I would hate for it to come doa.


Yes, I did order them from along with 2 clowns. Everything arrived safely .. and everything lived (make sure you follow the instructions they send along).


Active Member
the one in the pic did not come from SWF, but I ordered one from them and it came DOA, their policy is not to ship them in water Why? I dont know, they did credit me and will send another next time I order,


Active Member
I am thinking about ordering from them. I have about 3 fish I want and this anemone. tonight I am going to move rock around. And try to put my 29 gallon under the big tank to go caupela. I am going to look for one tomorrow.


Nice pics! I've only been into saltwater for a year and a half now, and have tried damn near every anemone out there and I've had the best luck w/ the BTA . If you are going for your first anemone I'd go for the BTA.


Its hard to say. I've heard that clarkiis aren't too picky. I've seen a site that lists all clown species and their natural host anemones.
I'll see if I can find the lni kfor you.
Oh, Dock the site w/ 3.29 lr wasn't there anymore when i checked.