lucky deal: now what do I do with it?


Active Member
ok, long story short. some one called me up anjd offered me a fish tank with "some stuff" for free, I said sure. they drop off a 6 foot long 150g tank, stand, a couple really cool pieces of dead rock, 2 ten gallon tanks, an old Fluval 303 canister filter. all kinds of random fish junk stacked in the ten gallons a couple buckets of crushed coral et cetera, et cetera.
I have no place for this tank, I already have my 125 up and running another 25 gallons really isn't worth all the work it would entail..
wouldnt it be sweet to do an over under setup? but good god I would have to add like 3 lolly columns under my floor just to hold up the three hundred gallons of water. I just don't know what to do.
this is the tank and stand currently sitting out in my garage.... until I figure out what to do.


I know what you can do, ship it to Long Island :)
I always liked the over under setups, but they're so much work to get right from what I've been told. Do what my husband and I are doing, it's a grassroots movement, "A tank in every room." lol


LOL....Last thing I need is another tank

I would use whatever equipment is better then what you have....maybe use a small tank and sell the rest


Well-Known Member
I agree with BTL! One tank in every just dont try and put it in ur bathroom

Besides luvmyreef is right wats another couple grand!


Active Member
most of the equipment isn't that great. a couple of the heaters aren't bad, the air pumps are pretty much worthless, I wouldnt use the lights on anything but an empty tank. the crushed coral, well its crushed coral. ok for fowlr. I still haven't had the chance to really go through it and weed out good from bad, but since it has been sitting for 3 years in a basement any fish foods or tests or time sensitive chemicals will be expired. there is about 200ft+ of airline tubing
I cant wait to tear apart and clean up the old fluval 303 though, I have never had one of those. I love heaters you never know when one is going to pop or get dropped by the clutz doing tank maintenance.....the dead rock is a style I haven't seen for a long time and am pretty sure isn't legal to harvest any more which is really cool. I'll have to get some pictures of the pieces later and show them to you guys and see what you think.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/386550/lucky-deal-now-what-do-i-do-with-it#post_3396021
I know what you can do, ship it to Long Island :)
I always liked the over under setups, but they're so much work to get right from what I've been told. Do what my husband and I are doing, it's a grassroots movement, "A tank in every room." lol
we actually already have at least one or more animal set ups in every room except the bathroom because its too small.


Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/386550/lucky-deal-now-what-do-i-do-with-it#post_3396035
It would be wrong to sell it after a friend just gave it to you.....Use what you can, and pass the rest to a friend who can use it....
For the most part I agree with you. BUT, I think it depends on why they gave it to you. If they thought it would make a great tank for you and gave it to you out of the goodness of their heart, then I would feel bad selling it (but not giving it to someone who would use it). If they gave it to you because they are just tired of it being in their way and just wanted it out of their house and not have to deal with it, I wouldn't feeling bad selling it at all. In that case it was doing them a favor by taking it. JMO


Well-Known Member
no i think a 125gal built into the bathroom wall is in order here! Just imagine....sitting their on the porcelain seat looking at a 125 reef CMON!!!!

darthtang aw

Active Member
I feel for you, the desire to not see the tank empty balanced by lack of time.
At one point I had seven going. down to two with a third started and sitting prepping for horses.
But I used to have a 150, 140, 125, reef 90, 10 mantis shrimp, 12 reef, and 55 seahorse.....oh wait and a 55 eel.
downsizing was the best thing I ever did....


Well-Known Member
My bathroom has a pico in it cycling, I think I'm going to put my Yasha Goby and Pistol Shrimp pair in there.
LMAO why cant my old lady be more understanding! She'd rather get her nails and hair done!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/386550/lucky-deal-now-what-do-i-do-with-it#post_3396035
It would be wrong to sell it after a friend just gave it to you.....Use what you can, and pass the rest to a friend who can use it....
Not really, especially if you sink the $$ into your tank. People need to understand, when you give, you give. Not with strings attached.
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I feel for you, the desire to not see the tank empty balanced by lack of time.
At one point I had seven going. down to two with a third started and sitting prepping for horses.
But I used to have a 150, 140, 125, reef 90, 10 mantis shrimp, 12 reef, and 55 seahorse.....oh wait and a 55 eel.
downsizing was the best thing I ever did....
I miss my tanks. I don't miss the electric bill.
But dude, I think you have 2 options, setup another tank, make it a planted wrasse tank, with about 2-3 harem of wrasses. Or sell it, and use it for your tanks...


Active Member
But I have been chatting around with friends and on of my old school friends has a rather large house with rather little furniture and would love to set up a fish tank.... hehehehe.
I'm going to clearly explain all the possible expenses for him before he goes ahead and takes the tank. but if he decides he wants it I am just going to give it to him. there problem solved.