Lumps on Fairy Wrasse Head


New Member
I noticed a small white dot on my orangeback fairy wrasse on Monday. As the week has progressed, the white spots have grown and my poor little guy now has a lumpy head. This is the best photo I could manage because he tends to shy away when I go close to the tank. Any idea what this is??


New Member
I am hoping the attachment will show, as I inserted image last post. It started out as what looked like one small white dot on his head and I originally thought it may have been sand on him. I have monitored as the week has went on, and that white spot has now grown to cover half of his head and it makes it look like a large lump with white surrounding it. I looked up ich, but this does not look like ich to me.



Staff member
It does seem like lymphocystis. Common viral disease for which there is no cure, but which can be treated by providing optimum conditions in the aquarium as well as good quality food and supplementation.

Your aquarium water should be optimum, hopefully with no fish aggression going on (particularly against this fish). Provide a variety of fish foods that will meant the nutritional needs of this fish. Additionally, provide a daily supplement of Zoecon, best by soaking it in frozen or fresh seafood offered to fish. With proper fish care this condition will be quite manageable but will continue to trouble the animal if the fish is exposed to environmental stress. Other fish in the tank may also develop this condition.



Staff member
I agree with Beth. The only other thing I'm inclined to think is that there was a head wound, and now there may be a bacterial infection causing swelling.