Lush soaps and shavers for legs?

coral keeper

Active Member
My legs have been gettin' a bit too hairy lately and was wondering if anyone knew of any good lush soaps and shavers for legs? Thanks in advance!!


Active Member
I think you have more to shave than just your legs.

At least Sac hasn't been 115 degrees yet this summer. How did you take care of that last year or did that happen when puberty hit?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
I think you have more to shave than just your legs.

At least Sac hasn't been 115 degrees yet this summer. How did you take care of that last year or did that happen when puberty hit?

LOLOL!! It happened when puberty hit.


Active Member
Just coat yourself in a nice, thick application of hair spray, then go walk by an open flame.
Hair problem = solved.....