Lymphocyctis , conformation?


I bought a coral beauty from a new(to me) local store about 4 wks ago. have now added her to my main tank. at the store they had several coral beauty's in different tanks two had some scales missing didn't touch those, one had a little white bump on it's tail wanted that one b/c of color but didn't take it either, this one didn't have a mark on it, it has been eating and moving and still is but now has the white bumps as well. I am so sad. all other fish are peaceful no one is bothering her, should I leave her be and feed her garlic with her food or try to take her out, hsp. tank would not have algae for her. also how do you go about feeding garlic, just chop it up or are there special prep's for this?


Active Member
It's clearly a case of lymphocystis. Leave the fish in the display and let nature take it's course. The conditon will clear up on it's own in time (usually a few weeks) with good water quality and a healthy diet. Garlic won't really do much to help so don't sweat it.


Thanks for the advice, I tried to be so picky and do everything right. sucks for the fish. do you think it's this kind of fish or the way it was kept? Thinking of not going back to that store.


Originally Posted by symphony
Thanks for the advice, I tried to be so picky and do everything right. sucks for the fish. do you think it's this kind of fish or the way it was kept? Thinking of not going back to that store.
Not a big deal. I wouldn't be hard on the LFS. It is impossible for all fish they get shipped to come in perfectly healthy.
By the way awesome fish. I miss mine. I really want to setup a fowlr to keep some of my favorite fish I can't keep in my reef.


Do you add vitamins to his food? If not then pick some up. It will help the lymph clear and keep your fish healthy. Rotate Vitachem and Zoecon. Keep your water quality pristine. It will clear.


Originally Posted by jpa0741
Not a big deal. I wouldn't be hard on the LFS. It is impossible for all fish they get shipped to come in perfectly healthy.
By the way awesome fish. I miss mine. I really want to setup a fowlr to keep some of my favorite fish I can't keep in my reef.
Thank you, he/she is a beauty, I do have corals with her as long as she is well fed not a problem, so far any way.
As for the FOWLR, thats my next project. I just had a tank given to me by a family friend, was supposed to be 100G, thought it looked small, did the measurements and yeah about half that. but it's free right. any way have a lot of cleaning to do on it.
Good luck on your tank.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Do you add vitamins to his food? If not then pick some up. It will help the lymph clear and keep your fish healthy. Rotate Vitachem and Zoecon. Keep your water quality pristine. It will clear.
I don't have any of those, I will get some thank you.


Thanks, I still have to get some, IDK whats going on sick fish, sick dog, going to have to pick up some overtime!!


Originally Posted by meowzer
I used selcon with the zoecon...worked for my fish
Thanks, been reading alot of different posts, heard you have alot of tanks, will def. check that out. I'll post pic's of the progress.


Originally Posted by symphony
Thanks, been reading alot of different posts, heard you have alot of tanks, will def. check that out. I'll post pic's of the progress.
Well please don't take my word cause of the amount of tanks I have

It's just that I have dealt with HLLE, and cured it. So on this subject I guess you can say I actually have some experience.