lymphocyctis question??


Hey all, I recently purchased a new Coral Beauty for my 125 reef and he seems to have a small case of lymphocyctis. I've researched the infection but have not really found out if my other fish can catch it from him or not???
right now he is still in QT, but have a few more animals coming in possibly as soon as Tuesday and would like to move him to the reef.
does anyone know if Lymphocyctis would be contageous or not? Currently my 125 is totally healthy and I don't want to contaminate my tank if possible.
Thanks for any help


I would not put him in the DT until the lympho is gone. if it turns out to be Mouth fungus its very contageous. I recently had a rock beauty with lympho on the tail and top fins and treated with maracyn plus(3 doses) and kept the QT very clean and stress free. The lympho was gone within 10 tens days. you can also try Fungus cure by API.


Did you read about lympho in this disease section? Read the whole article before you do is not supposed to be contagious, and the cure for it is through nutrition and lack of stress...


How is lymphocystis transmitted?
Lymphocystis is transmitted through direct contact of the fish with the virus in the water or by fish picking at the nodules on diseased fish. Water becomes a transmission medium when infected fish are introduced into the aquarium and the virus is released from the growths. The good news, however, is that the virus, while common, is not necessarily highly contagious. While one fish may be severely diseased, others in the aquaria never suffer ill-effects. The reason for this is because the virus affecting one fish may only be able to infect other same-species or closely related species of fish due to the DNA coding of any specific virus.
This is in the disease forum...written by Beth (not me)
You really need to read ALL of the posts