lyretail anthias???


Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
do you think I would have better luck if I got 1 male and 2 females? BTW...your tank is gorgeous!!!
They do better with at least 3 females..... even with 2 females and male your tank is too small.


very nice! Hard habit to break huh..30 way downsized!! I bet cleaning up after the "big break" was enough to warrant that you "aint doin that again!"
I know that my 75 is enough for me to take care of...I don't think I could properly take care of anything bigger. Not the way it should be anyway. I'm not one for testing and supplimenting. I just do water changes...and scrape glass. I figure if I am religous about the water changes..I am hoping the new mix has enough *stuff* in it. I don't have any hard to keep corals.