Macroalgae and skimmer question


Well-Known Member
Help me understand please....
I have a ton of macroalgae in my 56g horse tank...but now my Tunze nano skimmer is not skimming anything. It's running and I had foam but of late it didn't get enough foam to skim anything, no matter how high or low I turned the nothing.
It used to skim great when I first purchased it. I don't know if the skimmer is broken or if macro algae will make the skimmer no longer needed...I found web sites that were asking if folks should run a skimmer OR macro...I was using both....
It would seem to me with macros I should have organic matter coming out of my ears, which makes me think the skimmer is on the fritz. Oh and I run the Aquarepure denitrator as well.

bang guy

Macroalgae consumes Nitrogen (Nitrate, Nitrite, & Ammonia) and Phosphate. Skimmers remove DOCs (dissolved organic compounds). There is not a lot of overlap in their purposes so using both is appropriate.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/391432/macroalgae-and-skimmer-question#post_3471292
Macroalgae consumes Nitrogen (Nitrate, Nitrite, & Ammonia) and Phosphate. Skimmers remove DOCs (dissolved organic compounds). There is not a lot of overlap in their purposes so using both is appropriate.
Sounds like the skimmer may not be working properly.
I'm not fully sure what the Aquepure does, I haven't really looked into it too much, so I don't want to comment on it.
It sounds like you're really filtering your water, so the skimmer might just not be pulling out that much because there isn't that much to pull out, but it should be doing something....


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/391432/macroalgae-and-skimmer-question#post_3471302
Sounds like the skimmer may not be working properly.
I'm not fully sure what the Aquepure does, I haven't really looked into it too much, so I don't want to comment on it.
It sounds like you're really filtering your water, so the skimmer might just not be pulling out that much because there isn't that much to pull out, but it should be doing something....
It was making foam but not rising to the top enough to skim no foam. I do filter the water super good because seahorses need pristine water conditions and are little piggies when they eat.
Aquarepure is a fancy vodka doser for lack of a better term. Again it breaks down nitrates, not organic matter. Like Bang Guy said the two are different.
Huge sigh....I don't have the cash flow right now after the pots tank to replace the skimmer when I'm not even sure if it is busted. The pump is running a little hose comes up from there and the cup and neck are attached...a real simple made little unit.
I need to find a way to put it to a test before I just replace it....


Active Member
When was the last time it was cleaned?
For what it's worth, my skimmer pulls heavy after feeding, but it does not pull so much out though out the day. Or at least I don't notice it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Xcali1985 http:///t/391432/macroalgae-and-skimmer-question#post_3471318
When was the last time it was cleaned?
For what it's worth, my skimmer pulls heavy after feeding, but it does not pull so much out though out the day. Or at least I don't notice it.
I keep the cups on both skimmers clean and empty. It hasn't skimmed anything in days that's why I noticed it wasn't working.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/391432/macroalgae-and-skimmer-question#post_3471319
I keep the cups on both skimmers clean and empty. It hasn't skimmed anything in days that's why I noticed it wasn't working.
Sorry should have stated what I meant better. I meant when was the last time that you took it all apart and soaked it in a vinegar bath and wiped it all down and reassembled it?
Also is it creating micro bubbles inside the skimmer body?


Well-Known Member
When was the last time you cleaned your pump and took it apart and replaced the airline tube or cleaned it?
Soaking the whole thing in a vinegar bath and thoroughly cleaning it usually works for me.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Xcali1985 http:///t/391432/macroalgae-and-skimmer-question#post_3471331
Sorry should have stated what I meant better. I meant when was the last time that you took it all apart and soaked it in a vinegar bath and wiped it all down and reassembled it?
Also is it creating micro bubbles inside the skimmer body?
Thanks Snake...the body leaked, it was put together with snaps and everytime I turned around it came apart so I super glued the dang thing together. No I have not soaked it, but I excellent idea and I should have thought of that. When it came apart the foam would ooze out to the tank instead of build in the cup...I hope that makes sence. It was always such a great little skimmer, and really pulled out a lot of dark skim.