Main Heater in Refugium?

Hi again!
More questions about setting up my 125 reef tank. I have a long-ish refugium (plastic -maybe 30 gallons?) and a 20 gallon tall glass aquarium for a sump.
Would there be any harm in putting my heater in the refugium instead of the sump? It fits much, much better in the 'fuge. If I could put it in the 'fuge, I would have room to make a baffle or two in my sump to reduce bubbles.
As always, all opinions and advice welcome.

bang guy

Sounds like a winner. You may see seasonal changes since the water might cool off during the trip through the sump and into the display. I would guess the cooling would be increased in the winter.
A couple suggestions:
Use two heaters (or more). Place them as close to the Sump as possible. A smaller 50 watt heater set in one of the baffle areas in the sump may help "polish" the water temp.
You also may need to increase the flow rate through the refuge to obtain a steady temp in the display.
Super, Bang Guy!!
Actually, I have an extra 75 Watt Ebo Jager just sitting around. I will use in the sump. I was just worried that it might 'affect' the refugium somehow. I guess it would be fine, really.
I see on your signature that you breed Banggai. My husband adores them when we look at fish at the lfs. Do you recommend them for a beginner with a reef tank? (I hope the answer is yes!)
-Christine :cool:

bang guy

Well, I don't ever recommend wild caught Banggai. The wild population is dwindling fast and 90% never make it to a tank. Of the ones that get to a tank many never learn to eat dead food and many others die from infections cause by darting into the glass.
However, Tank bred Banggai are just about bullet proof. I've never seen one with Ick or get an infection. They only problem (if you call it that) is almost all of them refuse flake food. If you routinely feed a variety of food then they will eat a variety. If you feed one type of food for a long time it can be difficult to get them to eat anything else.
A single Banggai will do great. If you want a pair it can get complicated. If you happen to get two males they will fight to the death. I don't know how to tell them apart until they breed.
If you have any other questions about Banggai I will be VERY happy to answer. :)
Good news. I think we could handle one.
The way you describe them they sound alot like my african grey parrot, funny huh? Better captive bred than wild caught, must feed variety of fresh food or they will limit themselves. Impossible to tell a male from female.
Becoming a parrot parent has given me the confidence to move ahead with the reef aquarium. Not for everyone, but well worth the trouble.
Now that you offered, I will drop you a line when we get one. Oh - how mature do you think my tank needs to be before we can add a Banggai (time wise)? We will be putting in about 2 lbs/ gallon LR and 1 lb/ gallon LS + refugium, protein skimmer, not sure how many powerheads yet (have 2 Maxi-jet 1200's on their way - $40 for 2 including shipping!).
Thanks again!

bang guy

I've found over the years that tank maturity has little to do with time.
Once your water is pristine (Ammonia, Nitrite = 0) and stable (PH, temp & Salinity don't move much) then you're ready for Banggai.


Active Member
Hi Christine,
I'll add my thoughts to your original questions too - if that's okay.
In my opinion, placing the heater in the refugium may work okay, and as Bang Guy mentioned - you may have to fiddle with the flowrate "through" the refugium - for sure.
The heater doesn't "know" what the temperature in the 125 main tank is at. It only "knows" what the water temperature is at just around the heater itself. It's like a heat source and a thermostat in built in one.
Sort of like having a large family room ( 125 display tank ) and a smaller room or closet ( refugium ) off to the side of the family room.
You have a fan blowing air into the family room from the closet and this air returns to the closet.
If you place the heat source AND the thermostat in the closet - and don't have enought air flowing to the family room - the family room may end up being cold, but the closet is nice and toasty.
Increasing the air flow between the two rooms would help balance these temperatures a lot.
Having too little airflow between these two rooms would leave the family room way too cold - and the closet would be at whatever the thermostat is set at.
You don't want to crank up the heat in the refugium - or set it's temperature much higher than what you want in the display tank - otherwise the fuge may get to warm.
Water flow is the key as mentioned, and placing another heater in the sump would work well too - providing it's temperature setting is equal to or just a little higher than the larger heater in the fuge.
Otherwise - it may not ever turn on.
I'm doing the opposite - my main heater's in the sump ( high flow ) and I keep a little 50 watt in the refugium ( lower flow ).
Either way - you'll find it works fine after you tweek around with the settings - and watch how the display temperature responds.


Active Member
hey the process of building my 20 gal sump and fuge setup for my 29 gal display. Is my setup small enough to run the heater in the sump? I have a 100watt. Should i upgrade it? I want to have the hang on fuge, heater, and skimmer in the sump....and if i plan to keep the little aquaclear powerfilter, that too. but i am pretty sure im tossing it!
Thanks Broomer,
I am concerned that it could get too warm in the fuge and not warm enough in the display. I think that I will have to just try it to find out..... Baffles will have to wait. BTW - should I even worry about putiing baffles in my sump? I have the acrylic cut already, just didn't install 'cause I couldn't make it fit with the heater. Monster 250W Ebo-Jager, something like 17" long.
Thanks again Broomer!


Active Member
Have you considered an unorthodozed sump design, running your baffles longwise instead of widthwise ?
Something like this may be possible - or totally impractical.
Not sure - not knowing more about your design ???


Active Member
Or even a crazy design like this may be possible ??
Water enters the top left heater chamber - then flows through a series of baffles - finally arriving at the return pump ( or external pump bulkhead )
Thanks for the ideas, I will play will the pieces of this puzzle tomorrow morning and see where I get. Space is so tight in a 20 gallon tall tank. I hadn't given real considerations to lenthwise baffles, but I think I could figure something out. The best part is that I have some time to tweak things.
BTW, In 20 gallon sump I have:
-Turboflotor 1000 (with two pumps attached to it, the Rio 2100 that it came with and a Dolphin DP 115 for water. The Dolphin is rated for 1.9 gallons/ minute, I have no idea if this is adequate, there was a huge mix up with my equipment needs at the lfs)
-Heater (?)
-Dolphin DP 900 return pump
This leaves very little room. Do you think baffles are really necessary?
Thanks again, you guys really save my sanity by helping me here!

bang guy

You might want to consider the WON Titanium heater. It's a lot shorter than most. Especially for a 350 watt heater/


Hi, I may me out of line but i have a 250 watt 17" EBO heater and placed in my overflow. it holds my temp at 80.8 while the setting is at 81. how would this be considered good or bad??

bang guy


Originally posted by MarineMarty
Hi, I may me out of line but i have a 250 watt 17" EBO heater and placed in my overflow. it holds my temp at 80.8 while the setting is at 81. how would this be considered good or bad??

I would consider that to be outstanding.
Nice. If only I had the $$$ to get the reef ready Oceanic. I hope that I can set up this 125 Natures View Oceanic (not reef ready, using 2 overflow boxes) without pulling all of my hair out. I think I am getting close..... to finishing the tank, not my hair!!
-Christine :rolleyes: