Making a Deposit


Why not just get a pair of juvenile percs and let nature take its course?
There is a LFS by me that sells mated pr. for $60. What a joke! I asked them how they can justify selling them for that price when juvenile individuals are $12. Hmmm... mated pr. ready-to-go for $60 or mated pr. down-the-road for $24. Besides, they're so darn cute when they're little buggers!!


Active Member
deb, i totally agree that would be the way to go, they ARE very cute little things. i'd suppose there is less of a guarantee that they will end up mating though if you just pick a male and female juvenile. however, i don't really even care so much about the actual mating since I highly doubt i'd be able to raise the fry. more, i just want two clowns that are good buddies, like mated clowns are. i love it when fish have "friends" it makes for a whole new dimension in the aquarium. but, all that said, how can i tell if the juvenile clowns are male or female? if it is easy to tell the difference, then i'll definitely go with your suggestion debbers.


LOL, I'm no expert... just learning as i go! I just do lots of research before I do anything (with the exeption of getting that darn CBS! He better mind his manners!!).
If you get the percs (mine are ocellaris) when they're young, say 1" length, then you should be good. From what I've learned, one fish will be more dominant than the other fish and as they establish this "pecking order", the more dominant fish will become the female; the other will become the male. In a community of percs (as I understand it, anyway) the most dominant fish will become the female, the next dominant the male, and the others asexual. Pretty interesting stuff.
My ocellaris are great fun to watch. They play together, zooming all around the tank... my blenny even likes to play with them. I couldn't ask for a better combination!


Check out the thread in this forum (was near the bottom of pg. 1) on "Juvenile Clownfish". A bit of info. there for you.