Making a lighting unit


Active Member
Me and my dad are starting to make our new lighting unit tommrow. Im getting 3-4 bulbs for it and they will be 40 watt each. 2- blue and 2- white
One the lights are on, Im getting a feature duster first. If it doesnt die then im getting more. I have some kent invert food. It is for anemones, dusters, ect.
Its 25 weeks old


Active Member
Im just using normal lights from lows. There sould be enough light for them to live if i place them up close to the lights.


Active Member
I have an anemone under only 45 watts and its fine. It is normal and it growing fast. Ive had it for about 3-4 weeks so far.


i doubt it that very low lighting, it may look good but down the road a few months from now it will slowly shrink and die


even with thouse lights its still probably not enough take bang guys advice and skip the anemone
a slowly drip acclimate my corals and fish, in a five gal bucket, it takes about 3 hours, you'll need airpump for the fish, and living inverts like crabs, but not for coral