Making a Refugium


Ok.I got a couple more questions.
1)All the baffles are 8" high but its just that the 1st baffle is simply 1.5" off the floor of the tank,correct?
2)What kind of glue did you use?
3)Did you use acrylic for your baffles or pre cut glass?
4)on the return line, you have the pump,then the hose with the plastc clamps,and then the close valve and then more hose all the way into the tank?can you school me into the setup of your return line as to what is it that you have on your line and in which order?
Thanks and sorry for the bother


Active Member
1) Yes, The first baffle is 8" and is off the glass floor about an 1.5"
2) I didnt use glue. I used this caulk called Marine Adhesive Sealant 5200, used especially for aquariums. I wouldn't recommend normal glue.
3) I went to the Home Depot and got acrylic peices that were 8" x 10" and I had to cut a sliver off with some garden cutters.
4) Ok, I have the pump, then a close clamp for the pump, then some hose, then a close clamp on the close valve, then the close valve, then a close clamp on the other side of the close clamp, then some more hose, then a close clamp on the spicket thingy, then the spicket thingy.
I used some templon tape on both sides of the close valve so their was no way it could leak.
Hey its no bother at all to ask questions, I really don't mind. Yesterday, I was just letting you know that I had to go to work so I wasn't going to get back to you right away. Plus the point of a forum is to Brag about your system or to ask questions about how to improve your system so that you can brag about your system.


Originally Posted by SMoney
Hey its no bother at all to ask questions, I really don't mind. Yesterday, I was just letting you know that I had to go to work so I wasn't going to get back to you right away. Plus the point of a forum is to Brag about your system or to ask questions about how to improve your system so that you can brag about your system.
I like this paragraph


Active Member
Although Most wont agree, Everyone knows in their heart that the point of forums are to brag about their tank :hilarious


Wait one more question,sorry dude.
1)I my pump rated 370gph's is it going to keep up with the overflow box rated 600gph?
My refuge is 10G and the head is 3.5 ft,and my DT is 20 G.


Active Member
That setup will be OK. THe pump should always be capable of less than the Over flow. Otherwise, the pump will overcome the capacity of the overflow and you get to mop! :scared:
OFF TOPIC: Hey Money, did ya get that pic of your first frag?


Active Member
Gotta be some of the nastiest silicon work I have ever seen!
Should get the job done though. I'm no good with silicon either, that's why I paid to have mine built.

Here's a picture of mine:

The Sump/Fuge
It's a little bit different style than yours though.


Active Member
Hey Brolik1,
Ok, I had that same question when I first started. But if you think about it, it makes sence. The pump will pump water into the display tank, and the overflow box can only drop as much water in the refuge as their is in the display tank. The rating of how much the overflow can take is how much of a pump it can take. So if your overflow is 600gph, it can take up to a 600gph. Does that make sence? Its kind of hard to explain, but when you see it, its like wow, that was sinchy, now i understand.
Originally Posted by Farmboy
That setup will be OK. THe pump should always be capable of less than the Over flow. Otherwise, the pump will overcome the capacity of the overflow and you get to mop! :scared:
OFF TOPIC: Hey Money, did ya get that pic of your first frag?

Yeah, sorry I thought I got back to you. I was fustrated with my comp because it has been freezing on me :mad: . But ya, I got the picture and it looks good, Im telling you they look tight when they are bigger. I will send you a pic of your blues in like two months so you can see the progression.


OK last question.
1)which is the best substrate for the refuge,I was looking into Kent marine bio-sediment,or 20# of LS?
Im going to put 2 red mangroves and lots of chaeto a couple of snails and nass snails and hermit crabs.does this sound good?


Active Member
I have live sand, and I would use live sand if I were you. I don't know what other people have, but livesand should do just fine.
The red mangroves and chaeto sound good to me. As for the little clean up crew, I think that is fine. In my refuge I have caulpera and chaeto for my macroalgae, and I have two snails, a margarita snail and I think a pacific snail. I dont think you should put a hermit in a refuge, I mean, I am sure its fine, but I would just put like 4 snails. And someone had a good idea of putting a brisstle star in a refuge that would be cool.


I need to know how to start the refuge.
1)Do I add freshwater into the refugium and then add salt and start the siphon and pump and add more water?I mean, what are the steps?
2)will my tank go through another cycle once I start the refuge?


Active Member
1)Well, I used catalina salt water and I just put it in the refuge. You fill up the refuge with like two inches to spare on top. I know it will look like a lot, but trust me. This is will the overflow box I am assuming that you have the hangon one. Then, you turn on the pump and it should work, Then you just mess with the screws on the overflow box and the water level will fluctuate in the refuge. You'll see what I mean.
2) I had my tank up for a year, and then just recently added the refuge, I don't think it cycles over again, it may, but I think everything should be okay!


1)Should I take a cup of LS from my DT and add it to the refugium.OK so this is it. After doing all the plumbing and connecting everything, you add the freshwater into the refuge then you add the salt,after I add the LS and let it settle,after it settles add the macros and then turn on the pump and,after adjust the overflow box, start the siphon and everything starts working on its own from there?
2)Also for the mangroves,will I have to suspend the light above the whole plant or just set it above the tank like regular?


Active Member
1) You could put LS from your DT into your refuge. I believe that you are using the saltmix stuff. If so, I would just pre mix it in buckects then add it to the refuge. And Yes your process is correct.
2) I dont know what type of lighting mangroves need? But I have Chaeto and Caulpera, and I just have a light over the tank. I'm sure that you could just set the light above the tank like regular, that would be just fine.


1)What type of lighting are you using?
2)I have a single stripe flourescent light w/ a 50/50 bulb.but want to change into a 6500 k bulb instead.Do you think this is fine?
3)Which check valve are you using? The one I saw was a hagen and a cv1.
4)I need a favor Im having trouble doing the measurement for the baffles.I know the baffles are 8" high and 10" wide and the 10G tank is 20" long but if you dont mind telling me,what are the dimensions in your refuge?Meaning how far apart do you have the baffles in the tank?
I bought the overflow box and the 10G tank,Im going over to home depot and get the plumbing for the overflow box then I am buying the pump and the line for it.In the return pump I am using 3/4" vinyl tubing,a ball valve, a check valve and a return jet that I saw in another web site.
Thanks again


Active Member
hey sorry brolik1,
I opened this window and put it down, I forgot to get back to.
1) You can use any light over the refuge, like just a 100 volt light bulb would do. I am using this 13pc watt light that I had with my 10 gallon tank.
2)That one should be fine.
3)I dont know what the which check valve it is? Im sorry, it is just clear?
4) I have 2.5 inches for the first baffle, an 1" between the first and the second baffle, and for the third baffle that one is 4 inches from the end of the glass. If you get the acrylic 8 x 10 inch sheet, you will have to shave a part off of the 10 inch part. When gluing the first baffle in, I had a problem with it sliding down the wall. To solve that, I put a shot glass laying on its side, under the first baffle. I had the rim of the shot glass holding up the first baffle.


1)Will a drain hose for a washer machine do, Its the all plastic white one?Because thats all home depot had.
2)How thick are you baffles,I was thinking 1/4"?
And for the baffles I was planning on taking it to a glass store so that they can cut the baffles and silicone it in place with my dimensions. or I can do it myself lol save money.