making bulk live rock


Active Member
here is a before and after of a rock we made when it was first put into a tank
pand one i took about 10 min ago.
in the first pick any purple you see was dyed that way.
in the second as you can see coraline has taken over
the third is just a close up



Active Member
here is the tank about two months ago looking very healthy. the toadstool up top just moved from a tank he was not very happy in so still not looking that great in this pick. now he seems very happy.


Active Member
This is kind of off subject but
here is the toadstool today looking much better after about 6 month of nursing it back to health it now even given us a baby



Here are a few pieces i made, let me know what you think. The last picture, i want to cover with mushrooms. :happyfish



Quick questions
I'm curing some rock I made and just took a PH test and it was 8.0 in fresh water now I switched to saltwater is that correct? and for how long do I leave it in the saltwater?


Active Member
we left our for about 2 weeks. that was partly because we where not sure how long and mainly because that how ong it took us to get around to it lol.
ended up being about 2/3 weeks in fresh water that we changed out twice a week and then about two weeks in salt that we never changed out.
we also have a grow out tank for live rock that we have made but that to sell to loval friends and a few people that we know from the LFS. for that tank we leave it in untill it gets seeded and coraline covered from the otehr rocks. takes about 4-6 months to really start looking good.
btw teresa your made some great shapes. i like how you did not smooth out the rocks.
some people smooth them out to much and it makes them look to fake. good job


Originally Posted by scott9311
No, I've never done it that way... I know it melts pretty easily, but haven'y quite figured out how to do it yet. I was thinking along the lines of heating up a blunt metal object to melt it... or even just a propane torch. As long as you keep the flame low it should work fine (in theory, of course).

Best bet would be to use a "hot wire". That's how manufacturers cut the stuff. Using flame or torch will definately melt the stuff, but it will also give off such bad fumes that you may not make it....... Try modifying a soldiering iron with a tip that is quite a bit thinner... like needle thickness. Once that heats up, you can literally use it to "scoop" portions out little by little. Should work great for sculpting. If you are really interested in doint this, I'll see what I can work up to use.


well i tried pulling my rock out after giving it 4 days... and it didn't work... it just broke... not exactly to crumbles but it all broke apart and there were still some deeper parts that were still wet... i don't understand...
could it be because I'm using quikrete portland I ?? I'm also just using argonite sand along with noodles and straws... any help please!!!
:help: :help: :notsure:


So you just leave the noodles and straws in the rock mix and they are still in there when they go into your tank?
Wouldnt the noodles decompose or something? I have just started looking into this and it seems like a very good idea since I need about 50 more lbs of rock for my tank and this would be waaaay cheaper then buying Reefbones or Base rock.
Can anyone just give a quick blow by blow of the curing process? I know there is a few in this thread but is there a general consesus like x weeks in fresh then x weeks in salt or something?


The reason people use macaroni and other pastas are for their shapes; they give the rock the texture of real "live rock". I prefer not to use them because I too am afraid of them decomposing as well, so I use plastic straws that I cut to about 1/2" and mix them in. It gives the rock more's basically a filler. You don't have to use either; you can just stick with crushed oyster shells, portland type I, II, or III and water.
As far as the curing process goes, it can take anywhere from 4-10 weeks. The quickest way to cure your rocks is to put a small amount of rocks (under 15lbs) in about 20 gallons of water and change the water bi-weekly. I've had some cure in as little as two weeks. :D After the pH in your curing tub/trash can/whatever?/has remained stable at about 8.3, you want to then place your rocks in saltwater for another few weeks. This is not a must, just a suggestion. I use my water from water changes for this and place a powerhead in the container for circulation. The reason you place the rocks underwater is they cure much faster (and better) that way. Yes it's hard to wait a month or so for your creations, but if you don't you will wipe out your entire tank. IMO, "Scott9311" has the best advice and best designs. I picked it up from him and now I make about 200lbs a week of the stuff for which I sell to a couple of fish stores for store credit. It cost me about $12.00 to make 150 lbs of rock. Any other questions...... :confused: :notsure: please ask.Another piece of advice is to type "DIY LIVE ROCK" on google or any other search engine and you will find an abundance of info, but again "Scott9311"
has the most knowledge in this field (IMO)


Shibby, I don't understand why this is happening to you. :confused: I always see (read) you asking questions about this subject, so I know you're not a newbie. Write back and tell me your process step by step, and what type of material you are using as well so we can try and figure out what's goin' on
Don't give up!!! :)


Well first I would like to say thanks for a little bit of encouragement Andretti... I feel quite discouraged... and no one was helping... so here we go
1. I picked up some tropical play sand (made by oldcastle)
2. This time i poured sand into 3 different boxes varying in size and shape.
3. I then formed my molds (the sand was already moist and cold so i didnt add any more water for the moldings.
4. I mixed my cement... quikrete portland I (I cannot find oyster shells around here for some reason... even a site i found that advertised them said that they only carry crushed calcium now... anyways.. so I started off the mix with 5 cups of trop. sand with 2 cups of cement.. cuz last time I tried 5 : 1 and that didn't go well at all...I then added water.. I think it was 2 cups.... I then broke up a couple hand fulls of spaghetti and cut up about a hand full of straws)
5. I then mixed it all up and as I was mixing added in more cement sand and some water... all here and there.
6. Once I felt like I had a pretty good mix I took my hand shovel that I used for mixing and put the mix in the molds.
7. I then sprinkled some carib. arag. sand from a reef.. to give some more texture just on the top.
8. I finally covered with sand.
9. I let it sit with the lids on for 2 days (it was around 80 degrees both days)
After the 2 days i brushed some sand around the top and touched it with my finger and the cement was still not dry.
I then took the lids off for a day and it was a little drier and still not done
I put the lids back on for another day...(cuz im not sure if u should keep lids on or off..when the lids were on the sand was cold and moist)
therefore I kept the molds in for a total of 4 days...
They felt semi hard but as soon as i dug them off the broke... not in crumbles but the broke apart...
I'm not sure what it is... maybe the cement is just crappy.. cuz its quikrete?? I just bought it so its not like ive had it sitting around the garage for years.
Or maybe when I was mixing all the stuff.. I took too long???
I am soo sad right now... cuz i don't know what to do... Ive read all the threads on this and read all garf stuff (where I got the ratios for just using argonite sand instead of oyster shells)

thanks for the support :confused:


Originally Posted by shiby1510
Well first I would like to say thanks for a little bit of encouragement Andretti... I feel quite discouraged... and no one was helping... so here we go
1. I picked up some tropical play sand (made by oldcastle)
2. This time i poured sand into 3 different boxes varying in size and shape.
3. I then formed my molds (the sand was already moist and cold so i didnt add any more water for the moldings.
4. I mixed my cement... quikrete portland I (I cannot find oyster shells around here for some reason... even a site i found that advertised them said that they only carry crushed calcium now... anyways.. so I started off the mix with 5 cups of trop. sand with 2 cups of cement.. cuz last time I tried 5 : 1 and that didn't go well at all...I then added water.. I think it was 2 cups.... I then broke up a couple hand fulls of spaghetti and cut up about a hand full of straws)
5. I then mixed it all up and as I was mixing added in more cement sand and some water... all here and there.
6. Once I felt like I had a pretty good mix I took my hand shovel that I used for mixing and put the mix in the molds.
7. I then sprinkled some carib. arag. sand from a reef.. to give some more texture just on the top.
8. I finally covered with sand.
9. I let it sit with the lids on for 2 days (it was around 80 degrees both days)
After the 2 days i brushed some sand around the top and touched it with my finger and the cement was still not dry.
I then took the lids off for a day and it was a little drier and still not done
I put the lids back on for another day...(cuz im not sure if u should keep lids on or off..when the lids were on the sand was cold and moist)
therefore I kept the molds in for a total of 4 days...
They felt semi hard but as soon as i dug them off the broke... not in crumbles but the broke apart...
I'm not sure what it is... maybe the cement is just crappy.. cuz its quikrete?? I just bought it so its not like ive had it sitting around the garage for years.
Or maybe when I was mixing all the stuff.. I took too long???
I am soo sad right now... cuz i don't know what to do... Ive read all the threads on this and read all garf stuff (where I got the ratios for just using argonite sand instead of oyster shells)

thanks for the support :confused:
Shibby: I think it's that style concrete, i've heard bad things about quickrete. Try a different brand, and try portland type IV. That's what I used, and I had minimal breakage. A few little pieces off edges, and that's about it.


with mine, i used an open box, made my mold, put handfulls in, with clumps of sand here and there to leave open spots, and just kept filling. let dry open aird for 24 hours, took them out of mold, and left to dry in the sun. My mix is 1 part portland cement, and 4 parts oyst shell from feed store.


Active Member
let me get this straight, you can make your own live rock out of standard cement?
all i have to do is set up a 55 on my porch, take a few live rocks, stick them in there...mix my salts, throw in a heater, and wait like 5 months?
thats a REALLY good idea!
i REALLY like the idea actully
plus i can make really cool shapes


Originally Posted by Jer4916
let me get this straight, you can make your own live rock out of standard cement?
all i have to do is set up a 55 on my porch, take a few live rocks, stick them in there...mix my salts, throw in a heater, and wait like 5 months?
thats a REALLY good idea!
i REALLY like the idea actully
plus i can make really cool shapes

You got it sir.


Active Member
is there any types of cement i should use,..should i mix sands with it...etc?
im very new to this idea...and honestly i want to start making it tommorrow....
im going to make a reef 125 gallon,...and i have prolly 60pounds of base right now and it cost me an arm and a leg....and i want atleast another 150lbs of rock ...if this will work them im SOOOO it will be fun making it....
how do i make it so i can mold it into bumps...and odd shapes like normal rocks?
if anyone knows a site that has instructions...etc...
or has done this PLEASE contact me :)
~chris buying some REALLY nice reef lights for my tank there $1000 uber nice ....and since im just cycling the tank...could i add the new " rocks " i made into the tank directly to let them start going in there?...because all i'll have in there with them is a few fish. cause then they could also act as a type of filtration after a few months.


OK I started reading this thread, but of course I can't see your pics of you DIY rocks. I think they were lost in the site upgrade. Anyway to refresh it? I would love to make my own rock for ym next tank project.