making food for the fish


Active Member
how does everyone go about it? what do you use in the food? do you make different foods for all the fish? also do you use fresh garlic in the mix and if so how much is used? any other additives? selcon or any of the others?


I use a bag of misc. seafood (from Sweetbay Stores in FL); it has mussels, clams, shrimp, octupi tentacles, from the frozed section-(1lb.); 2 gloves of fresh garlic, and a few leaves of baby spinach, and Selcon-1/4 tsp. Put in a small food processor and mix.Then to a gallon ziploc and flatten and freeze. Some cut it in squares after partially frozen, but I just break a piece off and soak in SW and feed. That bag will last you months!..Good for FW fish too! Especially cichlids.


Active Member
thank you jemshores. when you give this to them does it become a liquid? the cubes that I currently feed, I cut up and feed to the fish like that w/out thawing it
Would this work for any kind of fish? I am wondering if this would work for a lion and a wrasse and eel. I know my puffer would eat it.. Been wanting to make them food for some time but have not found anything..


Active Member
both my eel and lion are picky about what they eat. it has to have a life like appearance to it for them to eat it. why is it all my pets are stubborn? my dog and my fish. LOL


Happy "no labor " day all! As for the food mix becoming a liquid, I would say no. It depends on how long you leave it in the processor-longer/thinner; short bursts/chunkier! I break off a hunk, put it in a shot glass and let it thaw some. Then use my fingers to break up and spread across the tank..I also have a 75g FW cichlid tank and they love it! My parrots are as big as softballs! Maybe mix up a small batch first to see how they all like it-then go from there.If they don't, then there's always sushi you could make from the seafood!


Food you serve to your fish needs to be raw. I think all canned fish has been processed with heat. My 2 cents


Originally Posted by spoils94
no to hijack this thread but is it possible to use canned foods instead of frozen?
I woudn't use any thing jared or canned. It probably has preservatives.
I used the same recipe as above. I even threw in a little dry seaweed (sheets) for my herbivores. I couldn't find the mixed seafood in the bag. Publix does not have them. I used flounder, shrimp, seaweed, 1 garlic clove,and scallops. They love it. It only cost me like 4 bucks to make and will last forever. I am sharing it with my sister in law. The frozen "cubes" cost $5-8. This stuff is fresh!


Only use fresh raw fish from the market, blend it well so that when you feed, you do not get such big chunks to fall all around. Experiment and see where it takes you. I sometimes have to smash my frozen food or recut it frozen before I feed it. Squid usually gives me problems. But like I said you experiment and voila.
For a 3 months supply of food I use....
3 medium shrimps
3 clams
one small squid
3 scallops
tablespoon of zelcon
five cubes of frozen formula one (For the Tangs)
then blend it all in stages, first squid, then clams, then scallops, then shrimps and finally the extra vitamins. I also add half a cup of tank water.
I only use my food processor and blender machine. I dare not use my glass Margarita blender for this. That one blender has never seen a spec of food


Active Member
thanks to everyone for the replies. I did see a small food processor at a store that Im thinking of getting just for this. it was $12 I think.


Active Member
the wifey would kill me if I used ours. I had to get a bowl and measuring cup just for the tank.