Making Red Shrooms Reder

elvis a.

More light....
I've had blue dotted red shrooms for 6 months now... I had them under PC's and now MH..
I have a 250w XM, and 110w pc, of which I am only using 1 55w actinic... The red shrooms almost glow under my lighting.. I have them half way up the tank, and they are thriving....
Who knows, it just may be me... But I think the stronger the light, the better....
Just my experience,


I have them under 130 watt pc in a 20g tank.
Other corals i have in this tank is button poylps, star poylps, bubble, xenia and a frogspawn.


i read today that if your shrooms are too brown, they are getting too much light (brown zooanthellae overproduding because of amount of light), and if they get a little less light, it will let their actual color come through (eric bornemans book on aquarium corals)