mandarin dragonet pictures anyone?

bang guy

Originally Posted by armywife1314
bang what kinds of fish have you been able to raise to adulthood?

Banggai Cardinalfish
Ocellaris Clownfish
Maroon Clownfish
PJ Cardinalfish
Yellowtail Damsel
Clown Goby
Neon Goby
as well as Peppermint Shrimp and Scarlet Shrimp
I'm looking for a new subject. Any suggestions?
yellow tangs, firefish? and purple firefish? (not sure if those are near impossible) puffers would be cool too. i would love to see baby puffers.


that was the first time i have ever heard of a tang killing one but i saw it happen..could not save it in time though..racin24fan mandarins are very peacfull fish but require live food in pods to eat and they eat tons of need a very mature tank with lots of live rock to support one long term and a fuge helps alot too

bang guy

Originally Posted by Racin24fan
These are really pretty fish. Are they mean?
They don't get along with the same gender of their species but they ignore everything else. Other fish seem to ignore them as well.
They are not for every tank though because of their special needs.


He was being a camera hog the day I took this, would not move from the front of the tank and moved where I did with the camera.



Bang, I've never heard of them breeding in captivity! That's so amazing, your pair are too cute.
Carraben, your mandarin has such pretty coloring.


Active Member
i had one a long time ago with only 90 lbs of lr.
he lived over a year .now i have 200 lbs lr and a fuge thinking of another try.
he was pretty big and fun to watch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Banggai Cardinalfish
Ocellaris Clownfish
Maroon Clownfish
PJ Cardinalfish
Yellowtail Damsel
Clown Goby
Neon Goby
as well as Peppermint Shrimp and Scarlet Shrimp
I'm looking for a new subject. Any suggestions?
How were you able to keep the baby shrimp alive? I heard that there are issues with pumps and impellars that make it difficult to raise them.


Active Member
Here's one of mine sorta hiding.... I'm terrible at taking pics tho (I blame the camera):