Mandarin Dragonet


Hi Guys-
I think that I found what I feel is the most beautiful fish i have seen in sometime. I understand the Mandarin Dragonet survives mainly on copods (which are found in more established tanks). My tank is roughly 2 months in and is in no way established enough to support this type of fish. Does anyone have one of these in their tank currently?
I am just looking for any other pictures of this fish, any other habits to know of, experiences, things of that nature.
Feeding is the issue, pods are it, and they will slowly starve to death without. If you want to keep one, having a fuge will be a plus for pod growth. You can seed the tank now with storebot pods, let them grow before you get your fish, and reseed from time to time. My mandarin is in a 2 year old system hes been there a year and I seed the tank from time to time.
Mine eats brine and myiss also it takes alittle to train them to eat them but they will. I have had mine for a year. He cleaned my pods out i about 2months.


here is pics of ours and a red scooter, the mandarin we had around 10 months and the scooter about 5 and also a 6 line and so far i can't tell a decline in our pod population in the sump or DT.
the mandarin will hunt way befor the lights come on and after the lights go out out daughter naned the mandarin Birdy and the scooter Lowrider



I think that what I am going to do in anticipation of getting one of these guys in about another 6 months or so, is buy a bottle of copepods now, and introduce them slowly into the aquarium (when lights are off). I want to try and build a sufficient population of these guys to support a Mandorin Dragonet.
What do copepods feed off of? Are they more of a filter feeder with in the tank?
Thanks guys!


Active Member
here is a pic of mine underneath a just been fragged leather. pods eat algae and detritus off live rocks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by colorado2step
Mine eats brine and myiss also it takes alittle to train them to eat them but they will. I have had mine for a year. He cleaned my pods out i about 2months.
i talked to a guy with 20+ years reef keeping, he says he can get 9 out of 10 to accept other foods within 3-6 months. Next time I talk to him, Ill ask how he does it.
Oh and nycob, did you photo shop that?!?!
he is amazingly colored!! your are lucky to have such bright blue trim!
Myappolgies when I said pods are it, I meant are the preffered food, mine does take live brine and mysis from time to time, but not every feeding. Any info from anyone on getting them to eat different things more often would be awesome info.


Originally Posted by King_Neptune
i talked to a guy with 20+ years reef keeping, he says he can get 9 out of 10 to accept other foods within 3-6 months. Next time I talk to him, Ill ask how he does it.
Oh and nycob, did you photo shop that?!?!
he is amazingly colored!! your are lucky to have such bright blue trim!
There is lots of info out there on doing it. Usually involves live brine then starting to mix in dead brine Then the food you want to be feeding.You basically have to trick them into trying new stuff. Kinda like feeding a two year old. We have people in our local area that have them eating pellets. We also have people that have successfully bred them and raised the fry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
i talked to a guy with 20+ years reef keeping, he says he can get 9 out of 10 to accept other foods within 3-6 months. Next time I talk to him, Ill ask how he does it.
Oh and nycob, did you photo shop that?!?!
he is amazingly colored!! your are lucky to have such bright blue trim!
no didnt photoshop it. dont know how bc i hv never used the software. the pic was taken just yesterday. the best pic i hv taken of my mandarin of 1 year.


In addition to the pods, mine eats blood worms, and always has since I introduced him. (apparently not the norm).
I was told live blackworms are a good gateway supplemental food, which you can then transition into frozen blood worms.
I have not used this method myself, but I know others who have.


Active Member
I have had one for about 2 months and it is a beautiful fish and the fish thing people notice in my tank. Which i love. Anyways, my pods breed great they are all over the back wall. I use rock known as Marco Rocks, which is very porous and gives them a lot of places to breed. I did add 2 bags into the tank as you still need a decent supply outside of the rocks. I currently dont run a sump will as soon as my new tank comes in (3 weeks late :S) I actually am planning on getting more pod dependant fish for my reef that im starting.
I would love to not have to throw dead food into my tank.


So on a slightly different topic here. I have the sump going but its not a refug at all and yes I do have a new tank about a couple months old now. 6+ months down the rd I would love to get a mandarin but I have been confused about stocking the pods for the first time...
Do you just dump a large load in the tank and let them have at it or introduce them slowly? With the live rock and such I am sure they will survive in the holes etc and populate the tank over time for the next few months. Down the rd I may do a HOB refug but the $300 with lights to set them I would rather upgrade my main lights first then setup a refug.


Originally Posted by GeckoXp
So on a slightly different topic here. I have the sump going but its not a refug at all and yes I do have a new tank about a couple months old now. 6+ months down the rd I would love to get a mandarin but I have been confused about stocking the pods for the first time...
Do you just dump a large load in the tank and let them have at it or introduce them slowly? With the live rock and such I am sure they will survive in the holes etc and populate the tank over time for the next few months. Down the rd I may do a HOB refug but the $300 with lights to set them I would rather upgrade my main lights first then setup a refug.
those HOB fuges are pretty but not necessary, lots(including myself) just bought a HOB filter, ripped the filter stuff out, and threw in some rocks. Its alot cheaper.


Active Member
He was a beautiful fish... there was no way the pic wouldn't look good with his face in it.
He was unusual. He swam in the water column a lot with the other fish. I guess where he ate frozen he would always be up front begging like the rest instead of being in the rock crevices.
Originally Posted by nuro
those HOB fuges are pretty but not necessary, lots(including myself) just bought a HOB filter, ripped the filter stuff out, and threw in some rocks. Its alot cheaper.
can you elaborate on doing this - as i have an extra HOB filter - do you need lighting, use sand and some LR debries and how does the pods get into the tank?


Active Member
I love the way they always look like they're gonna kiss you. lol Anyways, I'm building my tank around getting a mandarin in the longrun. I have a sump with a fuge, and will also be adding a HOB fuge too.
Basically take out all the filter media of your HOB, add a little LS (I hear isn't totally nessicery but I'm going to), some type of micro algea (most commonly used is Cheato, which can be bought at your LFS), and very porus LR rubble. They'll eat the cheato, breed in the LR. The light (which can be any kind of light, I'm using a reading light) helps the cheato to grow. The pods will slowly flow into the tank with the return water.