Mandarin Goby diary


Active Member
Well I finally feel that I have done enough research to keep a Mandarin. He is in QT right now and he is a nice plump fish. I will post pictures as soon as I let him relax a bit. I am going to be posting on this thread periodically so I can have my experiences shared for others.
He is doing very well today poking around for food. I have a few pieces of live rock rubble in there because of this fishes nature. I never plan on putting that back into my refug. I am also trying the Mandarin diner technique. It is a glass jar with food so he has a safe place to eat that my pig Clown and Coral Beauty will not be able to get to when he is transferred to the DT. He was in ther last night but not yet today.
Wish me luck! I love him already, so beautiful!


GOOD LUCK...HMMM...I thought I read somewhere that you don't have to QT mandarins cause they don't have scales and can't get ich....


Active Member
Beautiful fish. Did you get a male or female? Hope the diner gig works for you. Have you seen it eat any prepared....frozen of pellet food yet? A good trick while you have him in QT is to soak some frozen mysis or krill in some garlic liquid to enhance his eating response to the frozen. You can get garlic liquid at the LFS.
Good luck with the project!!
Ms. Kitty, QT is a great place to train them to eat prepared foods, without the competition from the rest of the display tank mates.


Ms. Kitty, QT is a great place to train them to eat prepared foods, without the competition from the rest of the display tank mates.
OHHHH...So it is in QT to train it to eat frozen...I SEEE...


Active Member
Not sure that is what the gypsy lady had in mind but it is a good reason to QT them. You are correct though they do not normally get the QT for the normal reasons though.


Originally Posted by spanko
Not sure that is what the gypsy lady had in mind but it is a good reason to QT them. You are correct though they do not normally get the QT for the normal reasons though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Not sure that is what the gypsy lady had in mind but it is a good reason to QT them. You are correct though they do not normally get the QT for the normal reasons though.
Not sure I agree. THe normal reason they don't get QT'ed is that under most people's care, they would starve, since most of them don't take to prepared foods. I would lump leopard wrasses in the same category.
They certainly have carry/have Ich. They are scaleless, but Ich can still manifest itself in their gills.


Active Member
It is a male and I have him in QT for the reason spanko mentioned. I want to get him used to the diner and preped foods even though my tank is established, teaming with pods and I will seed it occasionally. I just want to make sure he is always a fatty.


Active Member
Very beautiful fish. Sounds like the chances of him starving are rather slim
Forget the handsome stuff, that is one beautiful fish.
Good luck putting him on frozen/pellet foods


Active Member
i have had mine for over a year great fish but never could understand why everyone gets so excited over a $12 fish.
its not about the price but they really dont do much and hide most of the time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442
i have had mine for over a year great fish but never could understand why everyone gets so excited over a $12 fish.
its not about the price but they really dont do much and hide most of the time.
mine hides all the time.


Active Member
Wow Meowzer he is beautiful! I think they are the most elegant, colorful fish for saltwater. They are the reason I started in this hobby in the first place.


Originally Posted by gypsana
Wow Meowzer he is beautiful! I think they are the most elegant, colorful fish for saltwater. They are the reason I started in this hobby in the first place.
Thank too...just goes to show you that beauty can cost $12