Mandarin owners poll



I am just curious to see which type of Mandarin you keep in your reef.
Psychedelic here


Had a what I called paisley one for years: then when it just seemed to disappear, I purchased a Psych. green. Love it. Bang Guy: both? Are they male and female? or both female? Interesting since that is another mis-informational tid-bit of info.. Have always read and been told you can't have two, in a micro system. Always wondered why you couldn't have a female and male or two different types. Think it is because you have a large tank? Enough live food for two is the other insecurity with them. You obviously have a very established tank, that we know. I have seen a brilliantly colored red one offered up on some of the web sights but have never seen that particular one in any- bodys aquarium. Think maybe they are color enhanced to appear different from the more familiar ones?After all, after you order one, who would have the heart to send it back?


to be honest,i do not know what kind it is.i saved it from ***** against my better judgement.was so skinny and in a compartment with no rock could have seen its ribs if it had line showing and he is fat and happy.............


green, and he eats everything I feed, Brine, Green frozen stuff, cyclopeez and he picks on the rocks and glass all day.


They make up for lack of brilliant coloration with their personalities. Love them! I think they are of the same families. Blennadai and Gobidae? Someone should correct me so you are set straight. Actually I love their colors and uniquiness.:)


New Member
I have the hippie kind also, and a lawnmower blenny with lots of personality. Met someone the other day that has a mated pair of greens. 72 gal tank with soft corals and only the mated pair. They have produced offspring that he sells to a LFS. I was impressed.


:D That is so good to hear ! Contrary to what so many articles I have read. Makes perfect sense! Used to sell babies from my cardinals but this is so unheard of! Gives hobbiests something to strive for if they love Mandarins as I do. Too late for me, my second female was put into the tank at least too long to attempt adding a male. The males are truly spectacular when they raise their dorsel, or is the divided part called something else?


Active Member
I have a pair of green and a strawberry scooter..LOVE EM'
Mary unfortunately mandarins are referred to as gobies,and scooters as blennies..they are neither..they are both dragonets:)


Active Member
Maybe I am confused..I thought the one you have pictured NM is referred to as a psychedelic,and mine are called green:notsure: