

Well-Known Member
Quick question. When adding LR to a tank. Does it count like adding fish? Where u wait a few wks to add more fish? I want get maybe a 5-6lbs piece of cured but was gona get a fish or 2 as well. Is this ok?

bang guy

Even cured rock can have some die-off when moving it into your tank. If it were me I would test ammonia for a couple days after adding the rock. If there's no ammonia detected then it's fine to add a fish.
The concern is if the rock has some die-off then the added ammonia from the fish can overwhelm the bacteria and create an unhealthy environment.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Also anything wet can transfer ick into your DT. You need to QT anything wet for 6 weeks unless you know for sure this LR came from a fish-less system. Better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanx guys. Its great rock. Lots of life. Clams, feather dust ECT but qt is a good idea. It isn't kept w fish but u never know.trying to build up my rockage the old lady wants a mandarin. Iam kinda anal I hate losing fish. Price aside. Its BC of my interest in salt many get taken from the ocean so I do my best to give them the best. Thanx for your help