

With my limited knowlege I think all fish can get ich, just some are hardier than other because of the amount / quality of the mucus covering them.


they are more resistant than most fish, but can get it in their gills


Active Member
wow i have always heard that they cant get it. i think my problem is i have had ich in my tank and it wiped out my whole tank that was when i first started and i knew nothing of qting fish so i am just worried ALL the time about my fish getting ich. my husband says i look for it and worry about it sooo much that i probly give it to them. he says if i worried less i would probly have alot better luck but with the amount of money ihave in the tank i worry alot.


Ahhh, the old borrowing trouble theory.
Yes, it is *possible* that ich has survived in your tank based on the lifecycle...
Is it literally just 1 spot? Do you have any invertabrates? Do you intend to have them if you don't?


New Member
My thread with these websites ***********, ***************, coralreeffarm, reefcentral, etc was deleted and quite frankly iam a little ticked off, all i try to due is give some people better websites and the silly mods totally wiped it off the earth


Active Member

Originally Posted by jessica47421
there is one spot maybe 2 and that is it
Are you sure it is ick? My green spot mandarin carries sand on him from going where no other fish can go. They have a very slimey coating on them to ward off ick, but if the tank is full of it, then I guess they will no doubt get some. If you left the tank fishless for 4-6wks, it should be fine.
And yes, you can worry too much. Welcome to the world of saltwater fish!!! Can you worry too much to give it too them? Repeat after me.....Hmmm, Hmmm. Take many deep breaths.........
Sometimes you need to step away from the tank.


Active Member
lol well i was looking alittle close at the mandrian and its not ick it is just raised up spots that start up bye his lips and go to the top of his head they are the color of his skin and they are in a row on both sides so it is something that is suppost to be there. the tank isnt full of it, i bought a clown goby that i see one spot on him on his body just under his top fin then i seen one back by his tail too, so i am really worried bc i dont want anything to happen to my fish and i have a golden angel in there that i paid 120.00 for and he is doing wonderful along with a clown and a firefish so i think that makes me even more worried just a big fear of ich bc it was in there before, im not really sure what to do with the goby though is there anything that looks like ich bc all the ich i have seen there is alot and mostly on their fins and he has none what so ever on his fins or do u think it is ich and just starting.


Active Member
i know my brother has swf and he sticks his fish in the tank and dont check them for ich at all and when i go there i do of course and there is not any on them but it is like he just throws them in and they are good. he dont do water changes he dont even test his water and all is well but me on the other hand i do all the right things test and change the water and it seems like i have the problems, i think there is for sure something called trying to hard which i am doing that is for sure. lol


Active Member
I would just be happy with what you have, and not add anything until you know for sure, then quarantine it, and you should be good to go. Adding too many fish in a short period of time can deffinately cause havoc....chemistry, water quality, and disease. Be happy for now and then add something when you are sure it is safe.


Hey Jess,
Ich is always in your tank, it's only when your fish get stressed that they get it. I like your brothers approach, he just kicks back and enjoys his tank. How long has your tank been setup / and his?


Yeah it will. I've never had a real problem with ich. My 90 gal. has been setup for about a year and half now. You want to limit the time you upset your fish. I've known people that try to limit any contact with their tank. With your tank being setup for that long I wouldn't worry about testing as much because its somewhat matured now. Just keep an eye on the ph and sg.


I can't say to much about the contact. My lawnmower blenny always knocks stuff around so I'm elbow deep about everyother day.


I've seen him do it. I just had got some new zoas in and I sat the frag on top of a rock and turned around to see him knock it to the sand. I thought it was my half black angel doing it but I couldn't see him actually do it. So watch out LMB are movers after they get comfy in a tank.