I have been researching mangroves for filtration for some time now and recently acquired 10 red mangrove plants. They should be here in a few days. I would appreciate it if anyone has any tips for using these plants in regards to placement, lighting, and acclimaiton.
I had really good success with one for about a year until I shut down my tank in December. 10 is a lot of plants. Are you planning on keeping caulerpa as well? there might not be enough nutrients for all that. would definitely need some tank specs.
basic care for a mangrove is pretty easy. Make sure their roots are in sand or wedged in a rock, keep all leaves above water line and spray them with freshwater once a day. My mangrove was kept under a standard 60W grow bulb that was run 24/7. saw noticeable growth from week to week. Its now continuing to grow in my bosses refugium.
hope this helps
Bang Guy,
Did you have mixed experiences with them? I only had one pod, bought at LFS, but twolittlefishies brand. It did real well, maybe it was something in the H20.